Molli King

Welcome to Neat Feet Care web site.

We believe that your feet mirror the general health of our being. Our feet take the total weight of our bodies. So years of walking and running, especially with ill-fitting shoes and poorly trimmed toenails, can take its toll. If neglected and ignored, our feet could develop bunions and callous (cracked and rough skin) toes and all kinds of foot problems. Foot problems are also sometimes the first sign of more serious conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, neurological and circulatory disorders. When your feet hurt, especially if you are not wearing well fitted and cushioned shoes, it affects your entire lower body and eventually our whole being, even our psychological makeup.

This range of Neat Feat High Performance Body & Foot Care Products will help improve your quality of lifestyle. Our range of orthotics, insoles, gels, comfort health and pain-relieving products will restore and bring the comfort to our otherwise neglected feet. Developed by practising family physicians, Neat Feat is a well established and well recognised brand in Australasia during the last decade.