
**I have had to split up quite a few of my videos into 2 or more parts. Reason being is because I've had to record separate voices and even add sound and special effects on some which increases the file size and unfortunately my computer wont publish the video if the file is too massive.**On my page you will find random, spontaneous, crude humor. Many of my skits are completely made up and none are intended to attack anyone. I can do many voiceovers and who knows how many more. I do have some help in my videos but it's me that plays all of the major characters and voiceover parts. And I do all of the editing alone. Tough to believe? Well I'm for real. Take it or leave it. = ). I'm a very genuine person so please don't be bashful and send me a message. I'll gladly respond. And even though my name on here says 'KingPhilip' it does not imply I'm cocky because I'm a very noble and modest person. The name was given to me as a laser storm alias when I played in Florida for fun. Take care everyone and thank you for stopping by my page. = )