Dream Battles!

Hey Dreamers this is MikeG here and welcome to Dream Battles! A channel that focuses only on crossover battles and seeing who in our opinion would win!

My content is made to entertain those who watch and NOT to convert peoples opinions. So if you have been watching despite your disagreement with my choices, then we share that one thing in common.


6. It is strongly important to give the audience only one outcome by giving details about the method of victory. However, it is worth answering questions.

5. We cannot provide any GIVEN outside weapons or enhanced power that makes up a stomp thread. Like Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet unless the other character possesses those abilities that compensate for this advantage.

4. Everything we talk about must be canon. Unless a character does not have enough abilities or feats for a fair fight. Thus compensating is ok as long as you admit it and tell people what you are using in terms of non canon source material. (Some pictures or footage is for entertainment)

3. It is important to be as brutally honest as possible, so bias does not play a role in favoring certain combatants. We do not want to lie or misguide, nor do we want you to think that we are giving you the end all be all answer or ending the debate. Thus it’s intended that we don’t end battles but we give you our honest opinion by presenting what we believe are facts to back up those opinions. Honesty is key.

2. First Death is victory regardless of the ability to even resurrect. However, that also depends on the speed of the combatants ability to resurrect.

1. Lastly, no prep time whatsoever!