"Storm Cycles" Episode 1 ALTA

  • 11 years ago
  Storm Cycles Ep1 ALTA.  Ed Dujardin and TJ David, with less then 24 hours of planning, travel to Alta, UT -- embedding themselves into an Alta storm cycle that would ultimately produce over 40 inches of snow. "It's nearly 4am and hopefully the worst is over. Three hours of white-knuckled vertigo - the prospect of beating the storm, now fully settled over the Wasatch, a faraway dream fabricated by my restless imagination. My co-pilot, Ed Dujardin sleeps soundly in the passanger seat. Thoughts consumed by light snow while I'm caught asking myself, will we make it? Will we see our unlikely plan into fruition?" "30 minutes of unsettled sleep in a Smith's parking lot, then we're fully embedded into an Alta powder culture dominated by restless locals pacing through base-side cafeterias - Helmets strapped, goggles on, skis already in line. Do they realize it's only 6am?"  
