Oil Over Water in Ecuador
  • 11 years ago
My interview of Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) about his trip to Ecuador's Achuar Territory occurred on March 22nd so with a nod to World Water Day we talked about water. You can't talk about water in Ecuador without talking about oil.

It will take a few minutes to read this blog post and less than an hour to take action. It will be time well spent in the service of sustainability.

Here we go.

1. Give five minutes to listen to Barry's interview for background and motivation. He saved you the trip of going there on your own to verify that oil and water do not mix and to choose oil over water is to choose short term profits over the rights of Mother Earth and our communities.

2. Barry references a recently released documentary by the folks in Quito associated with Fundancio Pachamama entitled, Screams of the Amazon. This too is educational and in a much more dramatic way. Ecuador's government is moving forward with the next phase of the 11th Oil Round, ope