Pakistani.Im - Praying for Pakistan Cricket - Our Pride

  • 11 years ago
Im Praying for Pakistan Cricket
Pakistan.Im - Proud to be.
Be Proud of your Country - Pray for Team Pakistan
Pakistan Zindabad! With Unity we will succeed - Pakistani.Im


Pakistani Im -Proud to be

A site focussed on providing an unbiased, independent and uncompromising media platform for news, documentaries, blogs and forums, with added features such as classifieds.
These all are focussed on connecting Pakistani's worldwide. Be Proud to be Pakistani. Be Part of the Pride to be Pakistani.Im -Proud to be.
Pakistani.Im is run by an independent media group. We don't follow wire services or official press releases that are done in attempts to set the news agenda.
Our News Portal, Forum Portal and Blog Portal are focussed on promoting and driving communication across Pakistan and connecting Pakistani's worldwide.
Pakistani.Im does cover the big stories of the day, but with the associated blogs and forums we broaden the definition of what's important. The focus is on critical issues for Pakistani's of our time.

Come be Proud. Pakistani.Im -- Proud to be.

