How To Get Thick Long And Smooth Hair

  • 11 years ago
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Be very nice to your hair. Your hair falls out naturally on its own, but you may be pulling it out faster with the things you do. The gentler you are with your hair, the less of it you'll yank out.

You can consider the difficulties with growing hair over, because through this article you will find out how easy it actually is. If you are one of those people who think that hair growth has something to do with moon phases or that a bunch of pills can fix your hair, you should change your attitude. This is because you can grow natural hair relatively quickly by knowing a few facts about its growth rate and proper hair treatments. All hair grows at the average speed of half an inch a month and you can make it long and healthy if you provide enough time for its care.

There are a huge number of tips for growing out hair properly, but here we summarize the most important ones.

The first thing you need to take care of is your diet. What your body consumes is what your hair consumes as well. Therefore, the food that is not varied and that lacks vitamins and minerals will have a negative effect on your hair. Did you know that people suffering from some vitamin deficiencies have brittle hair? The conclusion is that you should provide your body with a lot of fruit and vegetable vitamins and hydrate it with a regular water intake. In this way, you will make your hair recover and improve your hair's health along with your overall body fitness.

Your hair might need products for moisturizing

There are some types of hair that lose moisture very quickly and so the hair ends dry and break. This is especially true for black hair, but not limited to it. If this is the case with your hair, buy some moisturizing products such as shampoos and conditioners to improve your hair quality.

Treat your hair gently

Do not think that combing your hair is always beneficial for it. Actually, too much combing may harm your hair greatly. Thus, try to avoid it as much as possible.

If you have grown your hair to a certain degree, it is natural for you to feel happy about letting it loose in the wind. However, you should know that it is necessary to worry about the hair ends at all times. Do not let your hair ends rub against surfaces such as car seats or even bed sheets. You can put it up during the day or wrap it into a delicate material while you are asleep. This will enable you to grow natural hair to a point where it's very long and stays healthy.

Visit for more useful tips on how to get thick, long and beautiful hair.
