
  • 11 years ago
Wealthy Rai Bahadur has just died, leaving his entire estate to a stranger. His relatives are outraged at being informed of this by Rai Bahadur's lawyer, Karamchand (KN Singh), especially since anything they will get out of the estate will be at the stranger's discretion.They are relieved when the stranger arrives in the form of naive country bumpkin Rajender Sayal (Dev Anand), accompanied by his best friend Kulu (Johnny Walker). They—and Karamchand, who has his own agenda—quickly decide that he will be easy to take advantage of.Raja is overwhelmed, and unimpressed, by the trappings of his newfound wealth. He now has servants to meet his every whim, including one whose sole purpose is to put on wrestling displays—and he's been trained by the best! His first day in his new mansion is spent fighting off hordes of salesmen and various chamchas who all want one thing from him: money. When his pushy next door neighbor Mrs. Akhrodwala (Tun Tun) shows up with her daughter, both he and Kulu have had enough.Raja tells Karamchand that he wants to return to his village, but Karamchand is lakhs of rupees in debt and has his own plans for bilking Raja out of his inheritance. He decides to enlist the help of a penniless girl named Asha (Geeta Bali) whose brother Mohan (Krishan Dhawan) is a wastrel and constantly harasses her for money as he dodges law enforcement.

Karamchand throws a party to introduce Raja to "society" and asks Asha to suck up to him. At the party, Raja shows that he is not as naive as people think he is—he's well aware that he is being laughed at, and patronized, and tolerated only for his wealth. He is not in the least interested in Asha, either (despite her song "Hamse Bhi Karlo" which I love—the music for Milap is by N Dutta, with subtitled lyrics by Sahir Ludhianvi).When he tells Karamchand that he can't stand all the people pestering him all day (and still wants to go home), Karamchand hires Asha as Raja's secretary—to Raja's astonishment.She quickly proves herself indispensable to him though, by efficiently getting rid of the hangers-on he so dislikes.She sets out to educate him in the ways of his new world, but it's not long before his simplicity charms her completely. He is also smitten by her beauty and how she helps him, and they fall in love.But of course, she is in an unfortunate position, caught between her brother:and an increasingly desperate Karamchand, who is using her brother's problems to blackmail her into stealing Raja's money.Raja declares his love for her and asks her to marry him—she wants to accept, but her distress is visible to him. When he asks her what's wrong, she tells him that she needs money for her family, and he gives her the blank check that Karamchand has been pestering her for.

When she tears the blank check up in front of the lawyer, unable to go through with the deception, he is enraged. He takes the torn pieces to Raja and convinces him that Asha was going to rob him of everything and flee until Karamchand stopped her. Heartbroken, Raja decides to get rid of all his money by gambling it away and giving it to the poor people around him in the city. Asha goes to him to tell him the truth, but he won't listen to her and kicks her out of the house.Rai Bahadur's relatives—who have been pretty quiet thus far, I think because some scenes are missing—are naturally not happy that "their" money is flowing out of the house into the hands of strangers. Karamchand is not pleased, either, and he comes up with a plot to stop Raja: he gets a doctor to declare Raja insane, and petitions the court to overturn Rai Bahadur's will and return the estate to the relatives (with whom he has made a deal to share everything).

Will Karamchand succeed in convincing everyone that Raja is mad? Will Raja care if people think he's insane? Will the relatives and Karamchand get their greedy hands on all of the wealth and lock up Raja in an asylum? Will Raja discover that Asha really loves him?
