Bank of America 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Showcases Local Impact, Global Momentum

  • 12 years ago
(3BL Media) Charlotte, NC - August 15, 2012 - Bank of America today released its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report to provide an overview of the social and environmental impact of its businesses and efforts to create value for shareholders, customers and clients, and the communities it serves.

The report highlights the progress made to deliver fairness and transparency in company products and services; lending and investing activities in low-income and underserved communities; philanthropic investments to address immediate and long-term community needs; and company and customer-focused environmental initiatives.

“Corporate social responsibility is an extension of the values we stand for as a company,” said CEO Brian Moynihan. “Our goal is to connect the people and businesses we serve with the products, tools, and resources they need to accomplish their goals, drive economic growth and make communities and the world better.”

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