Protesters clash with Spanish police

  • 12 years ago
A protest in the Spanish capital turns violent.

Tens of thousands of people poured onto the streets of Madrid earlier in the day, in yet another protest against austerity measures.

Initially peaceful, tensions escalated as it stretched into the night - with police firing rubber bullets to disperse crowds.

Spaniards have been demonstrating every day since the government announced a new set of austerity measures last week.

Parliament has approved a $80 billion package of spending cuts and tax hikes aimed at rescuing the economy from crisis.

But the latest belt-tightening has spurred widespread anger in a country where one in four is without work.

The centre-right party has more than three years of its term left.

Analysts warn that if the crisis continues to escalate, Prime Minister Rajoy could face defeat.

Sarah Charlton, Reuters.
