Golden Retriever Is a Bread Stealing Thief

  • 12 years ago
Golden Retriever Is a Bread Stealing Thief - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

A mysterious bread thief is proudly prancing around near Sydney, Australia.
An eight year old golden retriever, has been bringing home loaves of bread and muffins on a regular basis, but her owner, Michael Shaw has no idea where she’s gotten the goods. Shaw said that Gillie showed up this past Sunday with an unopened loaf of bread and proudly dropped it at her master’s feet on the front porch. Since then, the playful pooch has brought home “12 full loaves of sliced bread and two packets of muffins.” ..It’s like she’s bringing us gifts - she just lies around all of them,” Mr. Shaw said.

Utah is also home to a famous shoplifting pooch. The furry dog walked through the automatic doors of Smith's Food & Drug, headed to aisle 16 - the pet isle, sniffed a rawhide bone and snatched it between his teeth, all while management was watching on surveillance! The store manager caught up with him and commanded the pet to ‘Drop It!’ The dog ignored him, picked up the pace with the $2.79 bone still in his mouth and ran through the doors!
