Transformation Truth: Steroids

  • 12 years ago
The Diet Solution Program
Truth About Abs Be a Fit Fast and Strong All-Natural Athlete. FOR THE RECORD In the video I`m 6`3\" 198 lbs and 5% body fat. That`s heavier AND leaner than Alex Rodriguez was during his 40-40 season with the Seattle Mariners in 1998. That year A-Rod hit 42 homeruns and had 46 stolen bases. In 1998 he was 6`3\" 195 lbs and one of the best defensive SHORTSTOPS in all of major league baseball. Then he signed with the Texas Rangers, got juiced up with anabolic steroids. After getting juiced A-Rod has had far more injuries and moved to 3rd base which requires less agility and athleticism than shortstop. What do they look like? Steroids come in tablets or liquid form. How are they used? Anabolic steroids are taken orally or injected, and athletes and other abusers take them typically in cycles of weeks or months, rather than continuously, in patterns called cycling. Cycling involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a specific period of time, stopping for a period, and starting again. In addition, users frequently combine several different types of steroids to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, a process known as stacking. What are their short-term effects? Reports indicate that use of anabolic steroids produces increases in lean muscle mass, strength, and ability to train longer and harder. Many health hazards of short-term effects are reversible. The major effects of anabolic steroid use include liver tumors, jaundice, fluid ...
