Winter Beauty Secrets from FITNESS Magazine

  • 12 years ago
Fitness Magazine’s Beauty Director, Eleanor Langston Shares Insights to Looking Your Best No Matter How Low the Mercury Goes

Winter can wreak havoc on our bodies and beauty routines, causing dry skin, dull hair and stuffy noses. Escaping the cold is often difficult, but there are beauty treatments and products that can help you survive the season and look your best. Fitness magazine’s beauty director Eleanor Langston shares her top beauty survival tips, from how to keep your skin glowing to preventing the winter colds from taking down your mood. Here’s what she has to say:

Winter can be so hard on our beauty routines. At Fitness, we hear from our readers that dry skin, chapped lips, dull hair, stuffy nose…winter can literally cause havoc on our bodies from head to toe. Although escaping this wintry weather is difficult, I’ve partnered with some great products to help you survive the season and look your best.
