• 5 years ago
Hey people! I am a singer/songwriter based in Co.Laois now and currently preparing to release my debut album BRING OUT THE LIGHT later this year. Its taken me a long time to realise that there is only so much satisfaction you can get out of banging out covers all the time especially when my passion really comes from writing my own songs and performing them where ever I can! And so, I decided that its time to get my best collection together and make this album for once and for all. Its been a wonderful journey so far, working with the best in the biz to create what I truely believe is going to be an album to remember. Ive been through several bands through the years and enjoyed every minute of the learning process that has brought me here, beginning as a drummer and developing on to sing out front where I now wallow in the vibes on stage. I have been lucky enough to grace the stage with many well known acts such as Aslan/Juliette Turner/Lisa Stansfield/The Prayer Boat/Picture House/Damien Dempsey down through the years and continue to push for god support gigs as I think its the best way to meet new audiences. You can catch me @ most open mic nights around Ireland now as Im gigging the hell out of the album on my solo acoustic tour now and pretty soon I will be touring with my very talented session band in a venue near you so please watch this space for what promises to be a year to remember!


Tune in again tomorrow!!!
