The Passion of Mel Gibson (梅爾吉勃遜受難記)

  • 12 years ago
Mel Gibson has fallen far since winning two Academy Awards in 1996. Gibson's fall from grace began four years ago when he was arrested for drunk driving and allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks. Gibson allegedly assaulted ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigoriev. They are fighting for custody of their daughter. He has been ordered to pay US$60,000 in child support. The bad publicity has affected Gibson's career. He was recently yanked from a cameo in 'The Hangover 2.' 電影明星「梅伯」梅爾吉勃遜1996年贏得奧斯卡金像獎但現在風光不再。四年前,他的生活開始大亂先是因為酒駕被逮捕後來又傳出他辱罵猶太人。有傳言他對前女友施暴現在兩人在爭奪女兒的監護權梅伯的事業每況愈下。他被判要付六萬美金的贍養費他被判要付六萬美金的贍養費。原本要在《醉後大丈夫》續集裡演出的小角色最近被取消。 
