Liverpool ownership battle comes full circle (英超利物浦隊擁有權之戰)

  • 12 years ago When American businessmen Tom Hicks and George Gillett bought Liverpool Football Club in February 2007 they initially received a hero's welcome. But the adulation faded quickly as promises made to fans about a new stadium and the club's debts were broken. It didn't take long for the fans to become fed up with Hicks and Gillett, sparking protests imploring the Americans to sell up. As the banks closed in, Hicks and Gillett were forced to make way. The club's new owners were free to take control of the club and make an impression with the fans. 當老美希克斯和小吉列在2007年收購英超的利物浦隊時,「紅軍」強力歡迎兩位英雄。老美說要蓋新的球場,但工程一直延後,卻拖欠銀行鉅額債務,高興的日子很快消失。再來是人事的鬥爭,因為金錢與工作的問題,老美先跟教頭貝尼特斯吵翻,再彼此撕破臉。 球迷們也不耐煩了,他們受不了希克斯和小吉列,並抗議,希望老美不再干涉球隊的前途。球隊欠的債越來越多,老美只好重新評估,並將球隊賣掉,不過他們出高價,許多有意願者退出。還清債務的限期逼近,董事會反抗,決定再次拍賣球隊,但老美反對,兩方為球隊的擁有權鬧上法庭。希克斯和小吉列終於下台,新老闆可以重新規劃球隊的前途,希望可以感動球迷的心。 
