Chinese Military May Test Anti-Ship Missile on Jan 11th

  • 12 years ago
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For the past two years the Chinese regime has chosen to test new weapons systems on January 11th. The date is approaching again and this time it will fall just a few days before the Taiwan presidential election. A US defense expert predicts the Chinese regime will again choose the date to test a new anti-ship missile hoping to influence the outcome of the election.

January 11th is a key date in the Chinese military calendar. For three out of the past five years, the Chinese regime has chosen the date to test new weapons systems on that day. It began with an anti-satellite weapon back in 2007, a missile defense system in 2010, and in 2011 the new J-20 stealth fighter.

Research fellow at the 2049 research institute, Roger Cliff, recently published an article in Defense News titled: "Another Major Chinese Weapons Test is Coming." Cliff speculates the Chinese regime will choose to test its new Dong Feng 21-D anti-ship missile on January 11th, 2012—just days before Taiwan's presidential election.

The new weapon could potentially destroy US aircraft carriers in the Taiwan Strait. It could have serious consequences for the security of the self-ruled island. However Taiwanese generals are playing down the issue.

[Luo Shaohe, Defense Ministry Spokesperson]:
"This is one person's research. We have a full grasp of the developments of Chinese Communist forces, and we will be paying close attention to it."
