Protest Westboro Baptist Church 4th July, 2010 9:00 am start

  • 12 years ago
This video is from the countoreilly channel I have been given permission to upload this by them. We are calling for people to protest against the Westboro Baptist Church on 4th July 2010 at 9am. The Westboro Baptist Church has been protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers and we think that is very wrong, so we are calling for people to protest againt the church for a change. The address of the church is 3701 Southwest 12th Street, Topeka, KS, United States‎ - (785) 273-0325‎ Here is some info about them on wikipedia Some videos about them : 1) Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church 2) Westboro Baptist Church Protests Here is their website : Here is a link to a tv documentary about them Please show this video to anyone interested in protesting against the Westboro Baptist Church. 
