Good Body Posture Could Be The Key To Better Eyesight

  • 13 years ago
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Many of us spend just about the entire day sitting in front of a desk. Additionally, the commonest way to chill is to lie down on the sofa or in bed, to watch a television show or read. Both sitting and lying down influence your eyesight. That's the reason why if you enhance your posture while sitting and lying down, you can preserve, protect and enhance your vision.

How do you improve your posture when sitting?

Since pretty much all jobs that require us to stay seated for long amounts of time involve some type of close eye work or extended periods of eye concentration, correct posture while sitting is vital for vision health. Close eye work such as reading or working at a PC poses increased visual demands by itself; when our posture is imbalanced or in any alternative way wrong, the demands on our vision system become even higher. Exposing our vision to continual vision stress leads to numerous eyesight afflictions as well as some unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, neck strain, back pain and wrist pain.

Here are some basic guidelines which will help you improve your posture and achieve a correct, vision friendly seated posture.

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