"A Really Fantastic Experience" - Shen Yun in New York

  • 13 years ago
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Shen Yun Performing Arts impressed audience members at Lincoln Center in New York on Friday night.

[Wendy Diamond, Animal Fair Magazine Founder & Editor]:
"I thought tonight was just phenomenal. I thought it was so beautiful. I loved the culture, the dance. I thought the outfits were phenomenal. My favorite part was the drums. I loved the drums, I thought that they had great beat, I thought that they had great rhythm and I also thought that thought I loved the dance and I loved the women, they were so beautiful."

[David McFadden, Architectural Placement Founder and CEO]:
"The dances and the culture that came from the Chinese and the dynasties 5000 years ago is apparent throughout the world today, in forms of dance, sports, theater, music. So it was a really fantastic experience."

[Triana Cristobal, Phantom of the Opera Dancer]:
"You can tell by the show and everything that they have all spent a lot of time working to put this together. So it's been great."

[Janera Soerel, Social Network Founder & Chief Curator]:
"The production level was amazing. I mean the background, and how the images change I thought was very interesting and how people just popped up [from the backdrop]. I liked that interaction with the multimedia and the live presentation. The costumes were beautiful of course. And I liked it also that the dancers were musicians as well. The drumming I thought was very very interesting. And I liked the handkerchiefs a lot. I thought that was really fascinating."

NTD News, New York