St. Patrick's Day : Corned Beef How-To : Funny Side Up

  • 13 years ago
Description: Happy St. Patrick's Day from Funny Side Up! Celebrate by making this easy and incredibly delicious corned beef recipe - boiled in beer, and finished with a spicy and sweet mustard glaze. On this episode, Lisa is joined by special guest Anna Wolf - the creator and brain behind "My Friend's Mustard" - an artisanal, small-batch mustard company in Brooklyn, NY. Check out Anna's mustard website at Lisa makes herself food. Lisa makes yourself laugh.Funny Side Up, hosted by Lisa Ludwinski, is part comedy and humor, part how-to recipe cooking show. Using celebrities and other notable figures from history as inspiration, Lisa creates a new dish each week tailored for that week's guest. Come back every week for more recipes, good food, cooking tips, and some fun comedy with Lisa on Funny Side Up.More Recipes and Cooking How-To:
