91-Year-Old Man Rappels Across 1200-Foot-Deep Valley in Indi

  • 13 years ago
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A 91-year-old man beats all odds by rappelling across a 1200-foot-deep valley in western India. What's amazing is that he did it on his own, with the occasional aid of a walking stick. He hopes to encourage younger generation to do more outdoor activities.

Age is no barrier to follow your heart.

This seems to be the philosophy of Narayan Krishna Mahajan.

Mahajan has climbed a mountain that's 3500 feet above sea level.

And he's 91 years old.

This feat was achieved without any help or assistance, but for a walking stick.

Mahajan then tied himself to ropes and harnessed to undertake a daunting task of rappelling from the top of the peak to the peak of another hill.

This took place near the scenic Lonavala, in Maharashtra, the western state of India, on Sunday.

Lonavala is a popular hill resort located near Mumbai. It is famous for deep gorges between two hillocks. Mahajan explains why he undertook this adventure.


Mahajan added that he was not aiming to set a record, but to encourage people to have a healthy and active lifestyle.

[Narayan Krishna Mahajan, Nonagenarian Rappler]:
"Don't sit within the confines of your house, before the computer and television. Come out on the ground and play games like hockey, football, go for trekking, climb mountains and stay healthy. Then you will stay healthy at old age as well."

Anand Munje of the Kitty Hawk foundation, a forum dedicated to outdoor adventures, praised the 91-year-old man.

[Anand Munje, Kitty Hawk Foundation]:
"He performed the activity like any other young person. Today's video recording and shooting will be sent to the Limca Book of Records, as we have got to know from them that they can accept such a record, nobody has attempted such a record before."

To sum up his extraordinary accomplishment, Mahajan said that adventures are not for competition purposes, but to boost the morale of those who pursue it.