Sesame Street's Early Years: Adults Only Please!

  • 12 years ago
Sesame Street's Early Years: Adults Only Please!
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Sydney Opera House
Here in this delightfully theatrical talk at the Sydney Opera House, Lenore Skenazy explains how the rise of experts, fear of litigation, and the media have all led to a culture of overly cautious parents.Skenazy points out that in the West our children's lives are safer in nearly every respect than ever before. So why do we treat them with such "kid" gloves and deny them basic freedoms like walking to school alone? Is ordinary life too dangerous for our children?Skenazy argues that in order for children to grow up to be well-rounded, creative and responsible people, we have to set them free.She is joined onstage by Richard Glover.Lenore Skenazy appeared at the 2010 Festival of Dangerous Ideas, presented by the Sydney Opera House and St James Ethics Centre.