7 Ingredients for Making Dog Food: Making Your Own Dog Food

  • 14 years ago
http://www.YourDogZone.com/make-dog-food Making your own dog food? Here are 7 great ingredients you can use to make dog food. 1. Rice Rice is a good carbohydrate for dogs. Brown rice = more nutrients. 2. Flour Corn flour, soy flour or whole wheat flour are best for making dog food. 3. Codliver oil or flaxseed oil In small amounts adds omega 3. Helps keep a dog's coat shiny. 4. Meats suggested Liver, beef, tuna, lamb or chicken. It’s easier to add to food if the meat is ground. 5. Dogs also enjoy peanut butter and biscuits. Dog biscuits can be made with flour, bone meal and/or powdered milk. Peanuts are one of the few nuts that are safe for your dog. 6.Some vegetables are ok Carrots and spinach are good for making dog food. Put ingredients through a food processor first 7. Bonemeal You may need to add bonemeal for calcium. Raw meaty bones are a good source of calcium. Powdered milk is also a popular ingredient in dog food. To find out how to make your own dog food, and get recipes for your own dog food, visit the link below: http://www.YourDogZone.com/make-dog-food