Pakistan attacks kill 35 and wound 175 more

  • 14 years ago

At least two suicide bombers attacked a popular Muslim shrine in the Pakistan city of Lahore late on Thursday night, killing 35 people and wounding 175 others.

The attackers struck as thousands of people were visiting the Data Darabar shrine, where a famous Sufi saint is buried. Islamic extremists consider Sufis to be heretics and have often targeted them in attacks.

The first suicide bomber detonated his explosives in a large underground room where visitors sleep and wash themselves before praying, said Khusro Pervez, the top government official in Lahore.

Minutes later, a second bomber detonated his explosives in a large yard upstairs as people tried to flee the first attack, he said.

Police are still investigating the source of a third blast that followed the two suicide bombers. At least 25 of those wounded in the attacks are in critical condition, said Pervez.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombings.
