Crystal Palace Cinema Campaign 18-10-09 George Filby

  • 15 years ago
George Filbey, Conservative Councillor for Upper Norwood Ward, London borough of Croydon addresses the audience at the public meeting.

The Picture Palace Campaign believes a new cinema will be a resource to improve the quality of life in and beyond Crystal Palace. Cinema mixes commerce and culture, art and entertainment. The right cinema provides something for everyone.

The campaign wish to retain the D2 use of 25 Church Road, Crystal Palce, SE19 for the benefit of the entire community.

This public meeting was held at the Queens Hotel, Church Road, Crystal Palace. Almost 1000 people attended throughout the course of the afternoon, to hear the latest updates, hear their local elected representatives and show support for the art deco cinema building to be returned to it's original use.

To find out more about this community campaign please visit:
