Houston TX - Truck Accidents Caused by Bad Brakes - Lawyers

  • 15 years ago
Houston - Katy - Pasadena - Channellview - Baytown - Sharpstown - Alvin - Manville - Bellaire
Truck Accident Lawyers with an approach that places the client's interests first. Of course all lawyers should do this but, unfortunately, they do not. We pledge to give you are cell phone numbers to contact the lawyers. During litigation, there are times that you get worried about your case and have questions. We know this and that is why we give out our numbers to our clients. Where ethically permitted, we advance money to our clients so they can pay their bills while not able to work; and we do this INTEREST FREE! These are just some instances that we feel set us apart from other firms.

When a truck has bad brakes, it is an accident just waiting to happen. There are over 300 miles of interstate and state and federal roads within Harris County alone.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident, call 800-773-6770 and talk to a real truck accident lawyer.