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सैफ अली खान पर हमले पर अखिल भारतीय सिने वर्कर्स एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष सुरेश श्यामलाल गुप्ता ने अभिनेता सैफ अली खान पर हुए हमले को लेकर कहा कि यह डकैती का प्रयास बेहद चौंकाने वाला है। यह हादसा मुंबई की पुलिस और सरकार पर बड़ा सवाल खड़ा करता है। बॉलीवुड पर ऐसे हमले कराकर राष्ट्र में डर का माहौल बनाया जा रहा है। मैं महाराष्ट्र के गृह मंत्री और सीएम देवेंद्र फडणवीस जी से इस मामले की गहन जांच करने की मांग करता हूं।

#saifalikhan #saifalikhannews #kareenakapoor #kareenakapoorkhan #pataudifamily #robbery #saifalikhanupdate #news #newsupdate #breakingnews #leelavatihospital #taimur #jeh


00:00Namaskar, this morning at the home of our Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, a theft took place and along with it, six serious stabbing attacks were carried out.
00:15This is a very serious matter and raises the question of the Mumbai law system and the government.
00:22Repeated attacks on Bollywood people, was it really a theft? Or was the incident of the attack made on the pretext of theft?
00:30Is there a state of fear in Bollywood? Or is this a way to recover the ruins of Bollywood?
00:37Today, Saif Ali Khan and his family are very scared.
00:40Such big actors who live in VVIP areas are not safe, so how will the general public of Mumbai live?
00:46This is a very big question on the law system, which can be seen every day in Mumbai.
00:51Murder every day, stabbing attacks on Bollywood actors every day.
00:56Bollywood is a big film industry, if there is such a fear here, then how will people work?
01:02Therefore, as the President of All India Senior Workers Association, I request the Home Minister of Maharashtra and Chief Minister Mr. Devendra Parnavi to investigate this case immediately.
01:14Serious action should be taken against the accused.
01:18And was it really a theft? Was the knife theft? Or did Saif Ali Khan come to attack for some other reason?
01:26This should be properly investigated.
01:28And somewhere or the other, the law system has gone haywire in Mumbai.
01:31The Home Minister of Maharashtra needs to think about this.
01:35Jai Hind.
