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दिल्ली: मंगलवार को भारत वेटरन्स डे मना रहा है। इस मौके पर आईएएनएस से बातचीत करते हुए कारगिल युद्ध में अपनी बहादुरी का लोहा मनवाने वाले कैप्टन अखिलेश सक्सेना ने कहा कि पिछले 10 सालों में हमारी सेना बहुत ज्यादा मजबूत हुई है। उसके साथ साथ हम ड्रोन टेक्नोलॉजी में बहुत तेजी से काम कर रहे हैं जो भविष्य की लड़ाई के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। हमारा एयर डिफेंस बहुत मजबूत हुआ है। हमारा इंटेलिजेंस सिस्टम बहुत मजबूत हुआ है। आज हम हथियार निर्यात भी कर रहे हैं।

#veteransday #veteransday2025 #indianarmy #defencenews #akhileshsaxena #defenceexpert


00:00In the last 10 years, our army has become very strong.
00:04In every field, whether I talk about the Air Force, which is our fighter plane,
00:10or I talk about the Army, where we have our guns and howitzers,
00:15their quality and their combat capability has improved a lot.
00:20Along with that, we are working very fast in new things like drone technology,
00:27which is very important for the fight of the future.
00:30Our air defense has become very strong,
00:33with which we can understand the enemy's air attack or any intrusion better.
00:40Our intelligence system has improved a lot.
00:44And all these improvements are based on the recommendations after the Kargil war.
00:50So in the last 10 years, our army has changed a lot.
00:54And today, we are not just importing weapons, but we are also exporting them.
00:59So there is a lot of difference and our army has become very strong in the last 10 years.
01:04The OROP scheme was introduced in 2014 for the Army.
01:09Yes, overall, people have benefited a lot from this.
01:13And this means that the same rank, same pension.
01:18But yes, there are still some areas, like I was telling you,
01:22I work with disabled war veterans.
01:25So these disabled war veterans are still struggling with their problems in terms of pension.
01:3199% everything is fine, but especially the wounded soldiers in the war,
01:37they are still facing some problems.
01:39Maybe the authorities sitting above don't even know about them.
01:43But yes, there are some issues that we will have to improve now.
01:47But overall, OROP is a good scheme.
01:50And we will have to improve the small issues that are left.
01:54The borders of the country are 100% safe.
01:57Today, every Indian believes that no matter what happens,
02:03my soldiers are protecting all the borders.
02:08And whether they have to risk their lives or have to give their blood,
02:14they will protect this flag at any cost.
02:18They will protect their country.
02:20So the borders are completely safe.
02:22And the people of our country can sleep peacefully.
02:26Because our soldiers are still standing on the border.
02:32Agni is also a good scheme.
02:34Its main purpose is to keep the army young.
02:38And because of this, your birth is happening after 4 years.
02:42Overall, the youth remains.
02:44But I think its retention percentage should be a little higher.
02:48So that along with the youth, their connection with their units is also a very important thing.
02:55So it's a very good scheme.
02:56But there may be some small modifications needed.
03:00Overall, Agni Veer is a good scheme for the country.
03:07For more information, visit www.fema.gov
