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RHOBH Erika Jayne On Dating & Her Pizza Party At Chuck E. Cheese


00:00Do you feel like you are ready for a relationship?
00:03Is that something that you want now anymore?
00:05Are you just happy being comfortable with yourself?
00:08Listen, I'm happy to be on my own,
00:10but I'm also happy to share this version of myself with someone.
00:15I don't think I'll ever get married again, and that's okay.
00:18I've been married all of my adult life,
00:20but it would be nice to share this time of my life with someone,
00:24but that's going to have to be a really strong someone.
00:26Sure, yeah.
00:27Because it's a lot.
00:29It is a lot.
00:30Have you been out on dates and things like that?
00:32No, I haven't, and I need to.
00:35I did make a promise to myself last year to become more social, and I was.
00:42And so this year, one of my intentions for 25 is to be a lot more social.
00:46Sure, yeah.
00:46To go out, to circulate.
00:49You got to circulate.
00:50You got to be with the people.
00:51No, totally.
00:52I cannot sit in my house for another year, okay?
00:56I've lived there four years.
00:57Basically, I've been a prisoner.
00:58You said that.
01:00Yes, for almost three and a half years.
01:03And this last six, seven months, I've been out, and it's time to get out more.
01:08It must have been so hard to feel that way.
01:11I felt threatened in every way possible.
01:15Yeah, it really did.
01:15It was not good.
01:17It did not feel good to not feel it.
01:23And when I say this word, I mean it in many ways.
01:26The word safe just didn't feel good to walk outside.
01:31I didn't know what was coming.
01:34There was a lot of, and there was a time in my life when I was,
01:38you know, you can feel people looking at you.
01:41And then that feeds into, like, you think there are more people.
01:43You know, it just does not feel good at all.
01:45It takes the wind out of your sails.
01:46You're like, maybe I won't go outside.
01:48You know what?
01:48Maybe I will stay in here.
01:49It's safe in here.
01:51Do you feel like this show helped you kind of
01:55get to that next step of going out a little bit more?
01:57And, you know, did you feel like, I know,
02:00we've obviously seen the journey with the women,
02:02and some of them have been supportive.
02:03Some of them haven't.
02:04But that's life.
02:06That is life.
02:06That's life.
02:07You can't expect everybody to be on your team.
02:09So when they are, you expect everybody to be themselves.
02:12So they reveal themselves.
02:14You know, everybody reveals themselves.
02:16And that's okay.
02:17Um, I, you know, Dorit and I made a promise to get out more.
02:21Kyle and I made a promise to each other to get out more.
02:24Sutton's very social.
02:26She's always out.
02:28Garcelle, I don't know if she's social or not.
02:30I think she's, you know, she picks and chooses.
02:34But, um, Boze is very social.
02:37So I've made a decision to become more social.
02:39Good for you.
02:40Do you feel like you have closure on the past four years or so?
02:44I don't know if I'll ever have complete closure.
02:47But I think I have about as good as I can get.
02:50You know, I will never have answers to some questions about my own life.
02:54Of course.
02:55But I think it's about as good as you can get.
02:58And I also have to acknowledge where I'm at now.
03:00Like today, sitting here, looking forward to the future as Roxy.
03:04Like I have to be here and I can't live any longer in the past.
03:09I have to let it go.
03:09No, it's so true.
03:10Easier said than done.
03:11But it's something that I actively do every day.
03:15Do you get your pizza party this season?
03:18I do.
03:18Good for you.
03:19And it's at Chuck E. Cheese.
03:22They do have great crust.
03:25I'm into it.
03:25Just want to say thank you to Chuck E. Cheese for letting us come.
03:29And like the adults at Chuck E. Cheese.
03:31I get my pizza party.
03:33Hats, games.
03:34Did Chuck E. come out too?
03:36Hell yeah.
03:37Little kids.
03:38Like they really allowed us to thank you to Chuck E. Cheese.
03:42And it was wonderful.
03:43I love that so much.
03:44We got merch.
03:46We played games.
03:47I had a great time.
03:48That sounds like so much fun.
03:49It was fun.
03:49Did it mean a lot to you?
03:50It did.
03:51At first, I didn't know.
03:52I thought, wait a second.
03:54Hold on.
03:55Do you guys think I'm a child?
03:56And then I was like, wait a second, Erica.
03:57Don't, don't, don't do that.
03:59Lean into it.
04:00Have a good time.
04:01Get your pizza party and have fun.
