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Although the sun is shining today, it’s January so it’s freezing and it’ll be dark before we know it, so we’re looking at how to beat those January blues however you can. One of the best ways to get a bit of positivity back in your life is getting back to nature, and Paul - the Wamble of Wales - is a master at positivity.


00:00So that stuff will kill about a million fish.
00:04Well, I don't know about a million, but there's at least 100,000 little polystyrene balls
00:10in there.
00:11Paul and his Wombles of Wales group go out almost every day litter picking around Cardiff
00:17and in the parks, both to help nature, but also to get back into nature and spread some
00:23We are, we're, we're ramblers who've wombled.
00:28So we try and clear up the stuff that everyday people leave behind and try and make good
00:34use of it, but also try and look after nature.
00:38We are a homeless litter picking group, which is our substance, if you like, we go out every
00:44And you might have seen us in Cardiff, in Cardiff Bay and surrounding areas.
00:49And we do is go out and try and spread some love, some light, some music.
00:58And instead of moaning about everything that's wrong, we try and just, just focus on, on,
01:02on the stuff that's right and, um, uh, take the lead and plant a seed.
01:07Paul focuses on the positives.
01:08And he said that after such a great 2024, getting more and more people litter picking
01:13in his group, he wants to push on with some big plans in 2025.
01:20So we have decided to, uh, spread our wings, so to say, and we are going to do our very
01:28first big public event, which is going to be a Barry to Bristol litter pick, uh, using
01:36only, uh, only the power of earth, wind, fire, and water, uh, and putting one foot in front
01:45of the other.
01:47On top of helping nature when he's out litter picking, he wants to get really stuck into
01:51And he says that going for a walk is always a positive, but for Paul, there's no other
01:55feeling like a freezing cold dip in the taff to help him get back to nature, but he warned
02:00it's certainly not for everyone.
02:01So don't go jumping in willy nilly.
02:03Look at what we've got.
02:04Look at what we've got around us.
02:06We've got a little bit.
02:07We've got some plastic.
02:09We've got some plastic.
02:11We've got some, um, single-use plastic.
02:13We've got fishing nets.
02:16We've got fishing nets.
02:18We've got all the bad stuff, but, um, but look at all the good stuff we've got, guys.
02:22Look at how beautiful the area is, and especially in somewhere like Cardiff, where I feel like
02:29I just belong.
02:31So what is it about the, about being around nature in this way and helping, what is so
02:35positive about it?
02:36Why is it such an enjoyable way to be able to be positive?
02:39Just makes you there.
02:40It just makes you realize who you are.
02:44It's invigorated all of my senses.
02:47Um, I feel just so much more alive, more connected with nature.
02:53Um, yeah, it was cold, but I tell you what, it's wow.