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A toddler's first meeting with her newborn brother is filled with pure joy and love. Watch this heartwarming moment as the big sister eagerly greets her baby brother for the first time, her face lighting up with happiness and excitement. A truly beautiful and wholesome family moment.

Video ID: WGA076859

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00:00A toddler's heart bursts with joy as she meets her baby brother for the very first time.
00:05Can I come in?
00:06You can come in.
00:07Do you want to meet your baby brother?
00:11Can you see him?
00:12Have a look.
00:14Hey, brother.
00:16Hey, Luka.
00:17Hey, Luka.
00:18He's going to see Leila.
00:20Yeah, Luka's going to see Leila.
00:27Have a look.
00:30You can touch him.
00:37Leila, do you love him?
