• last year
पानीपत, हरियाणा: हरियाणा के पानीपत में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने बीमा सखी योजना लांच करते हुए कहा, महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि उन्हें आगे बढ़ने के भरपूर अवसर दिए जाएं और उनके मार्ग की सभी बाधाएं दूर की जाएं। जब महिलाओं को आगे बढ़ने का मौका दिया जाता है, तो वे देश के लिए अवसरों के नए द्वार खोलती हैं। लंबे समय तक हमारे देश में कई ऐसे क्षेत्र थे जहां महिलाएं काम नहीं कर सकती थीं, लेकिन हमारी बीजेपी सरकार ने बेटियों के रास्ते की सभी बाधाओं को दूर करने का फैसला किया। अब बेटियां सेना के अग्रिम मोर्चे पर तैनात हो रही हैं। हमारी बेटियां अब उच्च कुशल लड़ाकू पायलट बन रही हैं।

#Panipat #Haryana #PMModi #BimaSakhiYojana #WomenEmpowerment #DurgaShakti


00:00Friends, to strengthen women, it is very important that they get a lot of opportunities to move forward.
00:13Every obstacle should be removed in front of them.
00:17When a woman gets an opportunity to move forward, she opens new doors to opportunities in front of the country.
00:29For a long time, there were many tasks in our country that were forbidden for women.
00:39There, women could not do any work.
00:43Our BJP government has decided to remove all obstacles in front of women.
00:54Today, you see, women are being appointed in the front lines of the army.
01:04Our women are now becoming fighter pilots in large numbers.
01:12Today, women are being recruited by the police in large numbers.
01:19Today, our women are managing large companies and their operations.
01:27In the country, there are 1,200 agricultural associations and cooperative committees led by women.
01:41Whether it is sports or education, women are moving ahead in every field.
01:50Lakhs of women have benefited from increasing the leave of pregnant women to 26 weeks.
02:01Many times, when we see a player winning a medal, we forget how hard that player, that daughter, has worked for years to win that medal.
02:25When someone takes a picture with a tricolour on Everest, we forget how many years of struggle that person has gone through to reach the peak of Everest.
02:44Today, the Bima Sakhi program that is about to start, is also a result of years of hard work.
02:56Even after 60-65 years of independence, most women did not have bank accounts.
03:08That is, women were cut off from the entire banking system.
03:14That is why our government first opened the Jan Dhan Bank accounts of mothers and sisters.
03:23And today, I am proud that more than 30 crore sisters and daughters' banks have been opened through the Jan Dhan Yojana.
03:34Have you ever thought, what would have happened if the Jan Dhan Bank accounts were not there?
03:40If the Jan Dhan Bank accounts were not there, the money from the gas subsidy would not have come directly to your account.
03:50If the Jan Dhan Bank accounts were not there, the money from the Kisan Kalyan Nidhi would not have come directly to your account.
04:02It would have been difficult to get the benefit of Sukanya Samruddhi Yojana, which gives more interest to daughters.
04:10If the Jan Dhan Bank accounts were not there, the money would not have come directly to your account.
04:17The doors of the banks would have remained closed for the sisters who used to work as labourers.
04:24And it would have been difficult for the crores of sisters to get a loan without a guarantee from the Jan Dhan Yojana.
04:32The women had their own banks.
04:37That is why they were able to get a loan.
04:41For the first time, they were able to start the work of their heart.
04:45Friends, our sisters have played a big role in getting the banking facilities to the villages.
