Jimmy Humilde shares his experience going to London & Paris for the first time, his love for gold and more!
00:00What's up, my name is Jimmy humilde and we're behind the photo right here with billboard
00:10No, all right, this picture really explains a lot
00:17We just got a new jet so that was pretty cool, you know, but we decided to go on our first golf trip
00:23so I just started playing golf about a
00:26Little less than a year ago and
00:28We decided to take our own first golf golf trip to Las Vegas
00:32And of course we had to be dressed, you know for the occasion so straight from the airplane
00:37We got to Vegas and went straight to the golf course
00:40Me and my business partners and a couple of buddies that and we just we're diehard golfers now, you know golfing all the time
00:46So this is what this photo explains. This is actually one of my favorite photos. It's cool
00:53This is me
00:57Walking and actually I didn't even know they took the picture, you know, it's pretty cool because
01:01One of my staff guys is also a photographer. So he took the pic and showed it to me
01:06And I was like, oh, this is cool. I wanted to see the the two-story bus rodent in London
01:11so this was my first time in London and
01:14It was pretty cool
01:17Oh, this is one of the most recent pics this is pretty cool
01:21It's a my business partners rocky JB a little D which is a new partner
01:26We just brought in with the record label and Tomo Chiyo a new artist actually a huge writer right now
01:33I was doing really good has a lot of top top hits right now
01:36But we decided to sign him as a as an artist and also as a writer and then myself also rocking fit
01:46Yeah, your boy over there at the Paris Eiffel Tower, you know, this was cool a
01:51Dream to be able to travel the world. This was my first time also in Paris
01:55I had a huge smile because it was that is actually I used to talk about this with my dad dad passed away and
02:01We talked about the Eiffel Tower a lot and and I guess what it meant to the world, too
02:05You know, so this is pretty cool. This picture represents a lot of me. I'm huge smile also got a fit for the occasion and
02:13Definitely a dream come true pic, you know