• l’année dernière
A quelques heures de l'élection présidentielle américaine, Donald Trump, le candidat républicain paraît totalement hors de contrôle lors de ses ultimes meetings : menaces contre les journalistes, imitation de gestes sexuels, insultes contre Kamala Harris... Le tribun populiste se croit tout permis et se permet tout.

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00:03To get me, somebody would have to shoot through
00:07the fake news.
00:09Kamala, you're fired.
00:17No fairness.
00:19I mean, I'm a human being, right?
00:22I come in, and here's the problem.
00:26I said, oh, man, it's too low.
00:29I said, it's too low.
00:32So, I had to go after it.
00:41Way too low.
00:42Young man, there's no need to feel down
00:46I said, young man
00:48And I don't have a piece at last there.
00:51And I have this piece at last here.
00:54But all we have really over here is the fake news, right?
01:02And to get me,
01:05somebody would have to shoot through the fake news.
01:10And I don't mind that so much.
01:14I don't mind.
01:17It's okay.
01:19But she can't really do it.
01:21She hasn't got the aptitude or the I.Q. or anything.
01:24So, who the hell do you call?
01:26Kamala has orchestrated the most egregious betrayal
01:30that any leader in American history
01:32has ever inflicted upon its people.
01:36You're the worst vice president in the history of the United States.
01:40You're the worst president in the history of the United States.
01:44You're the worst vice president in the history of our country.
01:48It's the worst administration in the history of our country.
01:52Kamala, you're fired. Get out.
01:55Get out. You're fired.
