• last month
दिल्ली: बीजेपी के वरिष्ठ नेता शाहनवाज हुसैन ने राजधानी में प्रदूषण के मुद्दे पर कहा कि दिल्ली में जब से आम आदमी पार्टी की सरकार आई है जब वह मुख्यमंत्री बने थे उन्होंने बड़े बड़े वादे किए थे तब तक वह खांसते थे आज हम सब खांस रहे हैं। पहले अरविंद केजरीवाल जी को खांसी हो गई थी और अब पूरे दिल्लीवालों को खांसी हो गई है। क्योंकि प्रदूषण बहुत बढ़ा हुआ है। यही तो उन्होंने दिया है अपनी खांसी ठीक कर ली लेकिन दिल्ली के लोगों को खांसने पर मजबूर कर दिया। इसके अलावा शाहनवाज हुसैन ने वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन, दिल्ली में आयुष्मान योजना लागू किए जाने और राष्ट्रीय एकता दिवस पर भी अपनी प्रतिक्रिया दी।

#Shahnawazhussain #bjp #ArvindKejriwal #delhigovernment #delhipollution #aamaadmiparty #ArvindKejriwal


00:00See, since the time of AAP government in Delhi,
00:04when Arvind Kejriwal became the Chief Minister, he made big promises.
00:09At that time, he used to cough.
00:11Now-a-days, we all cough.
00:13Earlier, Arvind Kejriwal used to cough.
00:16Entire Delhi's people have started coughing
00:19because the pollution has increased a lot.
00:22So, this is what he has given.
00:23He cured his cough.
00:25But he forced the people of Delhi to cough.
00:29So, this is the situation now.
00:31They only blame each other.
00:34Earlier, they used to say that there is a fire in Punjab.
00:37Now, they are blaming Haryana
00:39because Punjab is their government.
00:42AAP's government is in Punjab and Delhi as well.
00:45Then, why isn't the pollution decreasing?
00:47They should be given an answer to this.
00:49AAP has done injustice to the people of Delhi.
00:54When Narendra Modi is doing good to the people of the entire country
00:57through Ayeshwan Bharat,
00:59the people who vote for him are also benefiting.
01:02Those who don't vote for him also benefit a lot from Narendra Modi's scheme.
01:08But the people of Delhi vote for us.
01:12They have given us seven seats in the Lok Sabha.
01:14But we are not able to give them Ayeshwan Bharat
01:18because AAP is in the middle.
01:21Now, we will remove this too.
01:23And the benefit of Ayeshwan Bharat's scheme
01:26will be given to the people of Delhi next year
01:28when AAP's government will be removed.
01:31Because the benefit of the scheme
01:34is being given to the elderly above the age of 70.
01:38For everyone.
01:40But the government of Delhi is not letting us do anything in this.
01:43See, the country is going to benefit a lot from One Nation One Election.
01:47And One Nation One Election is in the interest of the country.
01:51And we have full hope that it will be completed by next year.
01:57It will be passed by 2017.
02:00The Prime Minister has focused on it.
02:03And all the parties are in agreement.
02:05Congress people are definitely protesting.
02:07Some parties are protesting.
02:09But One Nation One Election is in the interest of the country.
02:12And the country is going to benefit a lot from this.
02:15See, today is National Unity Day.
02:18And the Prime Minister has clearly said that we have to stay united.
02:23If we are united, we are safe.
02:26But the Congress Party wants to divide.
02:29Sometimes in the name of Naxalism, sometimes in the name of Urban Naxalism,
02:33sometimes in the name of caste, sometimes in the name of religion,
02:36sometimes in the name of state, sometimes in the name of language.
02:39Congress divides.
02:41And Modi Ji joins.
02:43That's why we don't want to divide.
02:45We have to stay united and safe.
