• last year
00:00Come to mama!
00:17Steak! A vampire's last meal!
00:30I'm the girl you've been waiting for all your life, aren't I?
01:00Vampires? Never liked them.
01:08I saw a box of sand there. Not good.
01:16A flashlight. Whoever set it.
01:18Ooh, a cryptic message!
01:20The secret to the demon is hidden in the darkness.
01:22I'm just hating cryptic messages.
01:30Steak! A vampire's last meal!
02:00Let's see if I can do this without getting a splinter.
02:06Now this is more my speed.
02:10A dictaphone. But it looks like there's nothing recorded on it.
02:14Snyder's old safe, but it's locked.
02:20Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
02:29I'm the girl you've been waiting for all your life, aren't I?
02:45Snyder! Zip! Zilch! Big goose up!
03:15I bet you never thought of yourself as the submissive type.
03:40Thought I smelled something sweet.
04:10Damn you! Damn you all to hell!
04:19This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
04:22Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
04:29This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
04:54Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
05:21Medipack. Time to find Anya and play naughty nurse.
05:26All right, here's a PC. Let's see if it's friendly.
05:29Snyder! Zip! Zilch! Big goose egg!
05:47Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
05:49You look like fun.
06:19Ultraviolet filter. Amazing the stuff you find laying around.
06:32It's like a friggin' video game. I should be able to attach this to my flashlight.
06:39Hmm, hidden areas. Next thing you know, I'll be finding all those missing socks.
07:09Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
07:38Okay, guessing this doesn't say surrender, Dorothy.
08:08Hmm, hidden areas. Next thing you know, I'll be finding all those missing socks.
08:38The dictaphone. I can get this on the tape. No one said it had to be me that spoke the word.
09:07That is the correct password.
09:19This force field didn't pop out of nowhere. Gotta figure out what's generating it.
09:47Steak. A vampire's last meal. Never know when you're gonna need a stiff shirt.
09:55A magician's hat. Hocus pocus. Always wondered how they got the bunnies in there.
10:00Rabbits! Guess that hat really is magic.
10:03Hey, look at that. They're drawn to the pentagrams. And they're disrupting the flow of magic.
10:08I'm doing the math right. With enough bunnies, I can bring down that force field.
10:38A nice clean-cut boy. It's the sort I love to kill.
10:56You look like...
10:57Okay, icky yellow fluid. Don't know what it is, but it doesn't smell great.
11:10A computer disk. If I can find a compatible PC, I can see what's on it.
11:15This ain't hot sauce.
11:21Wow, a Murgoth weapon. I thought those demon arms dealers were just a myth. Too bad there's no ammo in it.
11:26It's in the Murgoth dialect, but it looks like some sort of recipe.
11:30The yellow liquid plus the green liquid equals the blue liquid. Whatever that does.
11:43Looks like fun.
11:59That's what I call discipline.
12:04This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
12:09Gonna get me some of that.
13:08Looking around you there. See my confusion?
13:38I'm so excited to see you.
14:08No superpowers, but look who's dust. Go me.
14:30Let's see what's on this little beauty.
14:32It looks like a passcode or something.
15:01What's this?
15:08Here we go. Key to the library cage. Makes me all nostalgic for Oz.
15:26Finally something I can sink my teeth into.
15:47Yoo-hoo! Looking for me?
15:58You're not living, Dad.
16:23A vampire's last meal.
16:30Grade-A top-shelf, hundred-proof holy water.
16:39Mehdi back. Time to find Anya and play naughty nurse.
16:51Hellfire! Think I'll keep that in my back pocket, just in case I fall down it.
16:55Hey, whatever. I didn't want to go in there anyway.
17:00This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
17:04Grade-A top-shelf, hundred-proof holy water.
17:30Time for that bunny mojo.
18:01You know, I could break you down. I just don't feel like it.
18:18Come to Mama.
18:48The door is blocked by some sort of Murgoth demon growth. What now?
19:06Something tells me this green acid-y stuff isn't your normal fountain water.
19:21Now that's domination.
19:25As I learned in chem class, it never hurts to experiment. Well, unless it explodes.
19:31See? Mix them together and see what we get.
19:33I'm a genius.
20:03This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
20:33I'm a genius.
21:00In case of boo-boos. Fumigation bombs. Pest control at its best.
21:31This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
21:39Heavy metal blade. Two, two, two weapons in one.
22:10I'm a genius.
22:21There's always one that won't do what you want it to.
22:37That'll fix him. Next one that tries that route is rat's food.
22:43You just stay here till Auntie Anyaka comes along.
22:47I'm a genius.
23:17This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
23:27I'm a genius.
23:37There's always one that won't do what you want it to.
23:47This place is harder to get into than the girl's locker room.
23:57There's always one that won't do what you want it to.
24:17I'm a genius.
24:27There's always one that won't do what you want it to.
24:38Hmm, hidden areas. Next thing you know I'll be finding all those missing socks.
24:45Hey, whatever, I didn't want to go in there anyway.
25:02That's something you should-
25:07Just like riding a bike. Except, you know, with the screaming and turning to dust.
25:14Sid, stay.
26:13You're going to get the shaft. And me, I'm going to get sued for sexual harassment of the undead.
26:21You're going to get the shaft. And me, I'm going to get sued for sexual harassment of the undead.
26:49I'm going to get sued for sexual harassment of the undead.
27:09Okay, that was just creepy.
27:33I'm going to get sued for sexual harassment of the undead.
28:02I could break you down, I just don't feel like it.
28:06Anyanka, hey, how's it going?
28:09Just the fact that you're an evil alternate reality version of my girlfriend is going to stop me from kicking your ass.
28:39You have nice teeth. They'll make me a lovely nurse.
29:00Well, aren't you all smooth?
29:04Did I mention I despise men?
29:12Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
29:41Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
30:11Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
30:33Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
30:57Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
31:24Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
31:31Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
31:53They'll make me a lovely necklace.
32:01Wonder how long I can play with you before you break.
32:10Okay, that was just great.
32:23Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
32:34I'm gonna make you suffer a bit.
32:38It's just my day.
32:53Okay, that was just great.
33:06Okay, that was just great.
33:19Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
33:41I despise men.
34:11Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
34:16Wonder how long I can play with you before you break.
34:28Time to learn why they call us Vengeance Demons.
34:37No more Vengeance for you, sweetie.
34:39Xander the Grave Robber.
34:40If I get a few more of these, I can build a woman of my own.
