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One way or another (The Path Toward Heaven) Episode 1 English sub || Sub indo,

One way or another (The Path Toward Heaven) Episode 1 English sub ,
One way or another (The Path Toward Heaven) Episode 1 Sub indo,

One way or another , Road to Immortal,The Path Toward Heaven, 大道朝天 , Da Dao Chao Tian ,


00:17King Shantou you leave the King Ritchie King Shantou white sand in the name
00:36You're in the地方
00:39Who type in the defense show you think you
00:44Should give me all you don't walk or check your不了 the one
00:49Rouga you
00:54She and I did your heart that woman mean to her now, she
00:58Shows me some joker
01:03Don't watch it. You guys eat
01:07You know
01:09Ming-doo, Nadia
01:11Don't you know the Yang guang?
01:13Hoshi in
01:14She would you watch it?
01:16Do you know that?
01:18Do you think?
01:20You can't do that
01:23You're going to meet you know John Johnson
01:26You can't speak you put on the movie. Yeah, we're seeing that
01:29You can talk to me
01:31Would you get out of the way?
01:35Sure, you're from school
01:41Yeah, this is me what's wrong with it? You know, she like you just can't hurt
01:49That's a good shit, you know, she's in that
01:53Chunk of you she did
01:56Sure, you're dead. You just told her
02:00Who's really?
02:05That's not it. No, I don't know my son. It's okay to do she
02:41Love you
03:07Yeah, yeah
03:38But you can't move
04:10It's gorgeous. It's the time to see it. I love the shooting. You know
04:29So much I'm still so stupid. So you don't you don't
04:32I'm going to tell you that we can you can you make me think
04:39Do you think you're still so stupid that she would like
04:42Don't you do you think that you think that
04:45I don't chew on that. You can't help it. You can't buy
04:51Could you do you think that's all they tell you that I'm going to show my eat
05:16She knew what I did
05:28Let's see how did it
07:09So what should I say she's a dog with me Sunday
07:14D-day she she'll leave a gene each one. What should we show the dark horse?
07:20you know
07:22Kings and don't you know dinner the patient
07:28Remember the wounded he means I'll eat guys like you
07:35King Shenzong can you leave a lot more to you
07:41So how you like just an issue give a so-so the show's
07:46So don't put you eat. He may or may cheat
07:52listen to
07:53You keep you Joe
07:55so true
08:14You see Shemoni hey, how are you? She was here. What you have my job don't you
08:58人不可能两次踏进同一条河里 People can't step into the same river twice.
09:28人不可能两次踏进同一条河里 People can't step into the same river twice.
09:58人不可能两次踏进同一条河里 People can't step into the same river twice.
10:28来啊来啊 Come on, come on.
10:58这娃怎么生得这么尊啊 Why is the baby so handsome?
11:08他不是昭阁城里的公子吧 He must be a prince in Zhaoge.
11:11可不能瞎说啊 Don't talk nonsense.
11:13我看他白衣飘飘一身仙气 I think he's wearing a white dress and a fairy costume.
11:16莫不是仙师吧 Could he be a fairy master?
11:18可算了 仙师能来咱这穷乡僻着 But forget it. Can a fairy master come to our poor village?
11:21别说了别说了 Stop talking. Stop talking.
11:23村长来了 The village head is here.
11:29来 Come here.
11:31拜见仙师大人 Greetings, my lord.
11:35拜见仙师大人 Greetings, my lord.
11:41你们好 你们好 Hello.
11:43起来吧 Get up.
11:46仙师好 仙师好 Hello, my lord.
11:50仙师好 Hello, my lord.
11:58我要在这里住一段时日 I want to stay here for a while.
12:13不用不用 不用 No need.
12:14仙师肯留下来便是我们的福气 It's our fortune that you're willing to stay.
12:18只是寒村贫苦 实在找不到能让仙师清修的住所呀 It's just that the village is poor and we can't find a place for you to stay.
12:40你住哪里 Where do you live?
12:43这是我第一次见到公子 This is the first time I've seen you.
12:46那时我正好十岁 名字还叫柳宝根 At that time, I was ten years old. My name was Liu Baogen.
12:52他觉得我的名字不好听 He thought my name sounded bad.
12:54就给我起了个新名 叫柳十岁 He gave me a new name, Liu Shisui.
12:59当时的我觉得这个名字很奇怪 At that time, I thought this name was strange.
13:02爹娘却觉得这个名字很有福气 My parents thought this name was very lucky.
13:10公子让我教他铺床叠被 洗衣做饭 The lord asked me to teach him how to make bed and wash clothes.
13:14砍柴种田 Cut firewood and plant fields.
13:19就是这些 我没记错一个字 至今难忘 That's all I remember. I can't forget it until now.
13:28当时我真的非常惊讶 At that time, I was really surprised.
13:30不知道为什么公子这样的人要学这些 I didn't know why a man like you wanted to learn this.
13:42然而更加让我惊讶的是 However, what surprised me more was
13:45所有的这些事情 公子只是看一遍就做得比任何人都好了 that you could do all these things better than anyone just by looking at them once.
14:05就到这里了 That's it.
14:14我只是想学 并不喜欢 I just want to learn, but I don't like it.
14:29就算画凡修行真有道理 也不适合我 Even if the Cultivation of Painting is reasonable, it is not suitable for me.
14:33为什么 Why?
14:36因为我懒 而且不擅长 Because I'm lazy and not good at it.
14:39那公子 你擅长什么 Then what are you good at?
14:45切断 Cutting.
14:50难怪您切菜切得那么好 No wonder you're so good at cutting vegetables.
15:01公子 你到底叫什么名字啊 Young Master, what's your name?
15:07景九 Jing Jiong.
15:10景九 Jing Jiong?
15:11水景 第九 Jiong Jiong.
15:18井水不犯河水的井 不如一试长把酒的酒 Why don't you try drinking a long cup of wine instead?
15:24读过书 Have you read a book?
15:26村里曾经有位先生 去年走了 There was a man in the village who left last year.
15:30听说是想去县里考童生 I heard that he wanted to go to the county to study for a child.
15:33我也读过 I've read it, too.
15:39不懂就来问我 Ask me if you don't understand.
15:42谢谢公子 Thank you, Young Master.
15:49您是不是心情不好 Are you in a bad mood?
15:54不停做同样一件事情很难不烦 It's hard not to be annoyed by doing the same thing over and over again.
15:59如果那件事情是吃肉的话 If it's about eating meat...
16:05明天开始 换我教你吧 I'll teach you starting tomorrow.
16:07花开花落不过是天地秩序的周而复始而已 The flowers bloom and wither just like the cycle of the world.
16:13日升月落 循环往复 不过如此 The sun rises and the moon sets, the cycle repeats. That's all.
16:27掌门师弟 师尊是借雷魂木 The Thunder Soul Tomb of the Grandmaster is the way to turn souls and escape from the prison.
16:34我青山之中只有碧湖峰藏着雷魂木 近日那儿恰巧少了两根 身为峰主 雷魄云必定脱不了干系 但他不可能悄无声息地进入监狱 将雷魂木交到师尊手中 所以必有同党 得彻查 The Thunder Soul Tomb of the Grandmaster is the way to turn souls and escape from the prison. In the Green Hills, only Bi Hu Feng hides the Thunder Soul Tomb. Recently, two of them happened to be missing. As the leader, Lei Po Yun must have something to do with it.
16:50但他不可能悄无声息地进入监狱 将雷魂木交到师尊手中 所以必有同党 得彻查 师兄 小师叔刚刚飞升 风里又出了这等事 你若是彻查 必定人人自危 如今是多事之秋 当以大局为重 这件事就到此为止
