The Salman Khan-hosted reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’ is gearing up for its grand premiere, and with the launch just around the corner, there’s been a lot of speculation about the contestants. Names like Dheeraj Dhoopar, Shoaib Ibrahim, Sameera Reddy, and others have appeared in various tentative lists circulating online. According to recent reports, India’s first virtual AI influencer, Naina, has also been approached to join ‘Bigg Boss 18’. For those unaware, Naina is not a real person but an AI-generated model and influencer. Created by Avtr Meta Labs in 2022, the 22-year-old AI personality is said to hail from Jhansi and has a large fanbase on Instagram. ‘Bigg Boss 18’ is expected to premiere on October 5, 2024.
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