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Fallen Season 1 Episode 3 - Butterfly
03:32Mr. Sparks.
03:36Lucinda Price.
03:53Have my drugs changed?
03:55Olanzapine and Zopicone.
04:23You were early for our session today.
04:27Nothing better to do?
04:29Any further thoughts on what triggered you?
04:32It's been six months since you cut yourself.
04:36Anything to do with Lucy's arrival?
04:40I like her being here.
04:44But I hate it, too.
04:46You have a tendency to put other people on a pedestal, Arianne.
04:51Do you want to be like her?
04:56You know, you can't really crawl out of your life
04:59and into someone else's.
05:01That's not how it works.
05:04It's just...
05:07my mind...
05:10it's so loud
05:13and confusing
05:15all the time.
05:17It just goes around and around and around.
05:20Like, should I have said this?
05:22Why did she say that?
05:24What did this mean?
05:25Like, why can't I keep my mouth shut?
05:28And the pain dampens the noise,
05:31makes it all go quiet.
05:34For a little while.
05:36You know, we've talked about other ways
05:38you can achieve the same sensation,
05:41but in a safe way.
05:45Some people find it helps to hold
05:48an ice cube in their hand until it melts.
05:52Or scratching.
05:55I'm not a cat.
05:58There is another method that we haven't talked about.
06:02It's called the butterfly technique.
06:04Have you heard of it?
06:07You draw a butterfly,
06:09wherever it is that you usually self-harm.
06:14And in that butterfly,
06:17you write the names of the people you care about.
06:20And then, if you're tempted to cut again,
06:23you have to cut through the butterfly
06:26and through the names of your friends.
06:51You okay if I sit down?
07:10I had this weird dream.
07:13Well, it wasn't a dream exactly.
07:19We got a photo from the laptop.
07:23A motorbike accident.
07:28Something happened when I saw the picture.
07:30It was like a...
07:32a vision.
07:35It was like I was there.
07:37With you.
07:39I could smell the smoke from the bike
07:42and I could hear the noise from the insects, the...
07:53It didn't feel like a dream.
07:56It was like I was actually there.
07:59I mean, you...
08:02You tried to talk to me about it
08:05right in the truck after camp.
08:11You were on the back when we crashed.
08:22I died.
08:24Didn't I?
08:28Here you are.
08:34I'm going crazy.
08:36Yeah, me too.
08:38You know, I...
08:40I keep playing that band with Cam.
08:43They both run over and get in my head.
08:48Now, when I see it, I'm...
08:50I'm not trying to save him.
08:54attacking him.
08:56Just like Howson said.
09:01There was another resident.
09:04What, the girl who escaped?
09:08She was convinced Howson had been messing with her memory.
09:12She said it was the drugs.
09:14The therapy.
09:16The drugs have changed.
09:20It's the same prescription, but it's not the white pills anymore.
09:23I've been on those for years.
09:27And it doesn't matter what packet they come in,
09:29they're always white.
09:31Until now.
09:36But how did Cassie escape, anyway?
09:41I had a chance, and she took it.
09:43Right. And we took that chance.
09:45Or at least we tried.
09:50All roads lead back to Sword and Cross.
09:54Where is she now?
09:58I don't know.
10:00Look, if Howson's messing with our drugs,
10:02it has to be malpractice, right?
10:05If we can prove that, then that could get us out of here.
10:08Not just me and you, I mean all of us.
10:12How do you prove that?
10:16I don't know.
10:18I'm working on it.
10:22Look, I'll catch up with you later, yeah?
10:45Molly, I like you.
10:50Hey, Molly.
11:01Come on, come on.
11:18I'm sorry, I know I'm late for my work session.
11:20I've let them know you're with me.
11:23Is everything all right?
11:25I'm fine.
11:31It's just usually people who are fine
11:33aren't trying to find books on suppressed trauma.
11:37I was just doing a bit of research.
11:40I'm having a hard time remembering things,
11:42or remembering them differently to how I thought, so...
11:48It's common for people to remember events differently.
11:53Well, then how would anyone know what actually happened?
11:56Well, it depends on how far you want to go.
12:02What we think of as reality
12:04is more so than reality.
12:07What we think of as reality
12:09is more subjective than any of us can imagine.
12:13The information we receive from our senses,
12:15mainly our eyes and ears,
12:17is limited,
12:19and the mind has to fill in so much.
12:23That would mean that everyone remembers things differently.
12:28The past isn't a real accessible thing,
12:30it's a silhouette with shadow
12:33that forms in the layers between what we all agreed to remember.
12:39But what if it's like I...
12:41I can't see it?
12:44Or it changes?
12:47You don't know who you really should be talking to.
12:55Dr. Howson?
12:58Thank you, Ms. Sophia.
13:04Take a seat.
13:11I'm afraid that we didn't get off to the best start.
13:16But I do hope you will come to trust me.
13:19Well, maybe if I understood more about what you're planning with my treatment.
13:23Perhaps the better way to look at it is,
13:25what would you like to get from it?
13:28To be able to rely on my memories,
13:32my mind,
13:34so things aren't moving and changing all the time.
13:39Well, we can certainly work towards that.
13:43But we will need your cooperation.
13:47And if I cooperate, and my therapy works,
13:50then is there a chance of a reduced sentence?
13:52Well, depending on your progress and the treatment,
13:55well, depending on your progress and the choices you make,
13:58we can certainly set a review for six months from now,
14:01shortly after your 21st birthday.
14:05I'm in session.
14:07I'm sorry to disturb you.
14:11Excuse me a second.
14:22They found Cassie dead.
14:25About 200 miles outside of the perimeter.
14:28There's something else.
14:42They're bringing her in now. She should be here about noon.
14:55The residents are on a scheduled trip to the lake.
14:58They should be back around five,
15:00so there won't be a problem with the delivery.
15:06Well, um, let me finish here.
15:15I am sorry, Miss Price,
15:17but I've been called away on an urgent matter.
15:21Sorry, Miss Price, but I've been called away on an urgent matter.
15:34We'll pick this up another time.
15:41Thank you, Dr Howson.
15:51All residents, please report...
15:53Hey, Tom.
15:54..to the three elevators for today's excursion.
15:56What's up?
15:58If you wanted something from the outside,
16:00is there anyone you could ask?
16:02That depends what you want.
16:04You know, Roland can get bits and pieces,
16:06chocolates, cigarettes, small stuff,
16:08but if you're after something bigger,
16:10like a Lamborghini...
16:12Or a helicopter?
16:14Yeah, you're out of luck.
16:16Oh, thanks.
16:21We are from...
16:33Morning, Dr Howson.
16:35You're supposed to be in sector three.
16:37Oh, I'm scheduled to be in the medical bay all week.
16:39You're no longer an EMT. Now you need to join the other residents.
16:42Dr Howson, if this is about the laptop I told you it was planted,
16:45you should be talking to Lucinda.
16:47Do you have any evidence to share with me?
16:49You're not better than everyone else, Gabby.
16:53Privileges have to be earned.
16:55Now you need to start climbing back up that hill,
16:57so run along.
17:19Today you'll be hiking to the lake.
17:21I remind you that thanks to the eyes in the sky and your tags,
17:25those of you who are wearing them,
17:27we know where you are at all times.
17:30Take a bag, get into your pairs.
17:50Hey, anything from the laptop?
17:52As soon as I know, you'll know. You know?
17:57Cam said you can store stuff.
18:00Can you get me your phone?
18:02In exchange for what?
18:04I don't have anything. They took all my stuff.
18:07It doesn't have to be stuff.
18:09We can just agree that if I need a favour or cover
18:12or an item you acquire between now and then, you owe me.
18:15We're good for it.
18:19Yeah. Fine, then.
18:21The shipment's already on the way. It'll have to be next month.
18:24Wait. No, no, no, that'll be too late.
18:26Take it or leave it.
18:31Oh, look who it is.
18:33What, thrown in with the rest of us?
18:36Don't break a nail.
18:40You OK? Yeah.
18:42All right, let's get a move on.
18:50You ready? Yeah.
19:12Oh, sorry.
19:14It's fine. Just concentrate on the ground.
19:19Guess we're behind already.
19:21I am trying, but...
19:23Oh! Seriously, Pen?
19:25Get it together.
19:33I hate hiking.
19:35Walking. Running.
19:38Beats sweating under a hairnet in the kitchen, though.
19:45Did you talk to her about the crash?
19:50Are you going to talk to me?
19:54Last time I did, Howson replayed it to me word for word.
19:57Well, you know why Howson is.
19:59And I made a mistake, OK? People make mistakes.
20:02Especially me people.
20:04Got the stuff on you? My package is due in later tonight.
20:07I, er, haven't got the drugs.
20:10Since this bitch has broken into the med bay,
20:12I haven't been on normal rotation.
20:14And today, I just...
20:16I couldn't get access, OK? So I'm going to need an IOU.
20:19You don't get credit. What? Why not?
20:21Because we both know you're not good for it.
20:23Roland, I will sort it out. Seriously, I will.
20:25Don't give me that shit. Rules are the same as always.
20:28You give me, I give you. No exceptions.
20:38Hey, how's your head?
20:40Devastatingly handsome, obviously.
20:47Hey, do you know what drugs you're on?
20:51Mexitrilla's something with a lot of consonants.
20:54I don't know. Why?
20:57Doesn't matter.
20:59It's nice to be outside, anyway.
21:01Yeah. Wait until you see the lake.
21:04They usually let us swim there.
21:06It's really beautiful.
21:10I'm totally capable of sincerity.
21:13I can think things are beautiful.
21:26What is it?
21:32Just forgot where I was for a second.
21:42No, no, no.
21:48Just left.
21:50You've got to take it, John. No, thanks.
21:53Give us a hand.
21:57Cookies? Don't mind if I do.
22:02I must have seen something.
22:04Maybe they caught it later on the Reds.
22:06Well, I'm sure you'll work it out.
22:08Did last time.
22:13Hey. Hey.
22:15How are you doing? Fine, yeah.
22:19Hey, I'm a queen of fine.
22:21Don't just give me fine. Tell me.
22:24I used to come here with my dad.
22:28Yeah. Same spot.
22:30Near the lake.
22:33And, like, I know there was only two of us, but...
22:38Yeah, I know.
22:41I shouldn't mope. It's been two years.
22:44No. No, Pam, it's OK to still be sad.
22:49You know, I learnt that from a decade in therapy, so...
22:55I don't want to be sad any more, though.
22:58I need to be tougher, like you said.
23:02Oh, I didn't mean like...
23:04No, no, it's true.
23:06It's true.
23:08Oh, that drawing's pretty.
23:10What is it?
23:13Uh, it's a butterfly.
23:17My friend used to have one, too.
23:22Was that my name?
23:26I hope you don't mind I didn't have anyone else, so...
23:30No, no, it's OK.
23:32It's OK.
23:34It's OK.
23:36So... No, no, it's fine. I'm...
23:39I'm glad.
23:43All right, time to move to the lake.
23:45If you haven't finished your lunch, you can eat while you walk.
23:51Well, better get going. Not far now.
24:06Take a nap, please.
24:39I need to show you something.
24:47What's going on?
24:58I took these from Halsey's office today.
25:14Do you remember him doing this to you?
25:18The father I took them from, I mean, it's only one father.
25:20There's probably more.
25:22This must be from where I come. Got her.
25:24And this...
25:26This is Cassie, right?
25:30What happened to her?
25:39Cassie agreed to send a message at 6am every day until I got out.
25:44She was my ride.
25:47When I didn't make it, we were supposed to go back to the old routine,
25:50but I have not been able to reach her since we got out of solitary.
25:53She's not replying.
25:55Well, do you think she's OK?
25:58I hope so.
26:00Look, I asked Ron for a phone.
26:02I'm going to call my parents and see if they can help.
27:06Oh, my God.
27:45You don't need the hassle,
27:47especially with those photos on you.
28:07We need to try and keep it together, all right?
28:10They're watching.
28:16Don't worry, I'm a pro.
28:32I'm going in.
28:34I'm going in.
28:41Coming in?
28:45Yeah, no doubt.
29:02You good?
29:04Yeah, I'm fine.
30:26Hey, bro!
30:42Hey, man, great job.
30:48So, when did you start painting?
30:55Yeah, that's what I meant.
31:00Um, I don't know, actually.
31:04I've got books and books of the stuff, though.
31:07Landscapes, portraits.
31:10Random stuff.
31:12So, I guess a long time.
31:17What do you like to draw the most?
31:24Mostly people.
31:29I read once that artists struggle
31:32drawing different parts of the body,
31:34like, um...
31:45Ears can be tricky.
31:48Yeah, you know, sometimes
31:50someone can end up a bit out of proportion.
31:54What, so you're going to sketch me like Dumbo?
31:56Yeah, that might be a risk, you know?
31:58You know, sometimes
32:00someone can end up a bit jowly,
32:03you know, the mouth and chin just massive,
32:05sort of like a baboon.
32:07Oh, my God, let me see.
32:09No! No, it's not finished. Trust me.
32:11Come on.
32:21I like sketching the eyes.
32:24Trying to find the lines of the face.
32:34You know, if you can
32:36catch the light in someone's smile
32:39and put it on the page, then...
32:53It's beautiful.
32:57Yeah, you know.
33:00Shut up. You barely even looked at me.
33:09Can I keep it?
33:11Of course.
33:13Time for one more swim before we head back.
33:17Of course.
33:19Time for one more swim before we head back.
33:22Are you coming in?
33:24Yeah, yeah, I'm going to try.
33:26Are you going to jump off the rocks?
33:41It's from the accident.
33:44It's not pretty to look at, I know.
33:46I know.
33:48I disagree.
33:52Go on.
33:54You said it yourself.
33:56Start moping, start living.
34:05You all right?
34:07I'm going to jump off the rope swing.
34:09Are you sure?
34:17Why don't I come with you, hmm?
34:32All right.
34:34Just remember, don't let go until you're fully swinged out, okay?
34:37Don't let go until you're fully swinged out, okay?
34:48I can do it.
34:50You good?
34:52I can do it.
34:56What are you waiting for?
34:58Ariane, just let her do it.
35:00She wants to do it.
35:02Come on, don't be a baby.
35:47Something's wrong.
35:54Stay back.
35:56Okay, stay back. Nobody else in the water.
36:03Stay back.
36:33Stay back.
37:04You're all right. You're all right.
37:06You're all right.
37:08Breathe. Breathe.
37:21You're all right.
37:34I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been in there.
37:36It's all right.
37:51Something grabbed my neck.
37:53Something grabbed my neck.
37:55Did you see what it was then? Animal or something?
37:57No, that wasn't an animal.
37:59It looked... It looked half-human.
38:06Yeah, yeah, of course.
38:08All right.
38:10All right, enough. Hugs are gross.
38:12Towels. I have towels.
38:15Thank you. You're a hero.
38:19Hey, you're bleeding.
38:28You too. This way.
38:30Is something attack her?
38:32It's impossible. We're inside the perimeter.
38:34Get back with the rest of them.
39:03I'm sorry.
39:09Come on.
39:11Love you.
39:21I'm sorry.
39:24It's my fault.
39:26I just wanted to help.
39:28No, you didn't.
39:30I'm such an idiot.
39:34Why am I like this?
39:50Can I help?
40:27Roland, I can't pay for the phone right now, but I will.
40:30Who exactly are you thinking of calling?
40:32Look, it's private.
40:34Back to your dorms.
40:45I found another buyer.
40:47What? Who?
40:53Wow. Okay, what could she possibly be giving you?
40:57That's private.
40:59Right, go.
41:01You two, to the medical centre.
41:04Miss Miriam, I can help with bandages if you like.
41:07Back to your dorms.
41:16Was she certain that's what she saw?
41:21I don't understand how it could have got through our defences.
41:24It must have been here the whole time, near the vellum.
41:29You think it's been here since the beginning?
41:32Dormant, that's...
41:35That's thousands of years.
41:37If it's out there, we'll find it.
41:40We'll find it.
41:44Miriam's sending a squad to the lake.
41:47Can't be a coincidence.
41:49What, Cassie?
41:51I don't know.
41:54The prophecy says legions of them.
41:57If one is here, more will be coming.
42:10Come in.
42:41Gary. Can this wait?
42:44You asked me for evidence.
42:46So I wanted to let you know that it's come to my attention
42:48some of the residents have been dealing in contraband.
42:50I see.
42:52Can you be more specific?
42:54I believe that, amongst other things,
42:56Roland Sparks is smuggling in a phone for Lucinda Price.
43:04You've asked me for evidence and I've given it to you.
43:06You're welcome to search his room.
43:08There's no evidence for a gun in the laptop.
43:14But you have given me something of value, I suppose.
43:20So, if it's verified, you may resume your med-tech training.
43:29It's been a very long day, Gabby.
43:34Of course.
43:36Thank you, sir.
43:45There you go. I'll just get you some new clothes.
44:00This photo she showed me,
44:02I think they were taken behind that door.
44:07Matches, doesn't it?
44:09Here you go.
45:42I think you're right.
45:44They match, don't they?
45:49I'm going in there.
45:55Um, that's Ryan.
45:59I've got this horrible shooting pain down my neck.
46:02I can manage, maybe.
46:05Let go of me!
46:07Let me go!
46:09Don't go in there!
46:11Let me go!
46:34Let me go!
47:22What if they've taken them to you?
47:48It's coming for me.
48:04It's coming for me.
48:34It's coming for me.