• last year
अमेरिका में मंदी की आशंका, मिडिल ईस्ट में बढ़ते तनाव जैसे फैक्टर्स ने इक्विटी मार्केट, करेंसी मार्केट समेत बुलियन मार्केट में भूचाल ला दिया. सोमवार को भारत से लेकर अमेरिका तक सभी बाजारों में भारी करेक्शन दर्ज किया गया. फिर शाम होते होते पड़ोसी मुल्क बांग्लादेश में तख्तापलट की घटना ने हिला दिया. राजनैतिक उथलपुथल से भारत और बांग्लादेश की ट्रेड पॉलिसी पर कितना असर पड़ेगा? डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपए की चाल आगे कैसी रहेगी और बुलियन मार्केट में बुल रन रहेगी या फिर रफ्तार धीमी पड़ जाएगी. इन सब पर गुड़रिटर्न्स हिंदी ने केडिया एडवाइजरी के डायरेक्टर अजय केडिया से बातचीत की.

#bangladeshcrisis #bangladeshprotest #sheikhhasinaresign #sharemarket #globalrecession #USrecession #sharemarkettoday


00:00So this economic slowdown, this fear of weakness
00:05So can it affect silver negatively?
00:08Can it be seen as a weakness in terms of demand?
00:10Or will it continue to grow?
00:12Or will there be some other trigger that will push it?
00:15If we talk about silver, it is considered a dual metal
00:19Dual metal means that it has the property of both base metal and bullion
00:23So if we talk about the speed of gold, then silver will get its benefit
00:27There is a quote in English, poor man gold, those who can't buy gold, they buy silver
00:33And there is an equation of gold-silver ratio
00:36It tells us whether silver is cheaper or more expensive than gold
00:41This ratio is close to 88 in today's date
00:44And if you look at the data of 50 years, this ratio never stayed above 80
00:49But we saw it going up to 125 in the duration of covid
00:54So in the long term, if we talk about the ratio, I think it will break the 72 level and easily reach the 65 level
01:01Which means silver will outperform gold
01:05But due to the geopolitical tension, the economy is not doing well
01:09Because of this, silver is not getting support
01:11But in the next 3-6 months, there will be policy adjustments and cuts
01:16And the steps taken to manage the economy will make silver more favorable in the long term
01:21So if we talk about silver, then I still like it more than gold
01:27And it should get its benefit by investing in ETFs, futures, and physicals
