McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Hush Batman Sketch Edition Figure

  • 3 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Hush Batman Sketch Edition Figure


00:00The Caped Crusader is missing his colors. Here's a look at McFarland Toys DC
00:05multiverse the gold label collection sketch edition hush Batman
00:11As a child Bruce Wayne watched as his parents were brutally killed in Gotham
00:32City's crime alley traumatized by their deaths he devoted his life to becoming
00:35the world's greatest weapon against crime the Batman to become the ultimate
00:39vigilante the Dark Knight disciplined his mind and body to reach the pinnacle
00:42of mental and physical superiority in his relentless pursuit of justice it's
00:47really hard to keep a secret when the bats is all in black and white just
00:50before we get a closer look though at the hush Batman sketch edition I'd like
00:53to thank the folks over at McFarland Toys that provided the sample we could
00:56have a look at this is a limited run figure with only a copy of 4,800
01:00worldwide so if you're interested to get this one for yourself he's available as
01:04of right now the tape measure is gonna tell us that this Batman in fact is
01:08already using the exact same mold as the hush Batman we looked at before
01:11don't worry don't worry I'll bring him in and for size comparisons in a second
01:14but yeah being that it's the exact same old means it's the exact same height the
01:18figure is gonna stand at six seven and a quarter seven and a quarter inches in
01:21height or this Batman is 18 and a half centimeters tall so wait you're telling
01:26me this is the same mold as the hush Batman from before yeah pretty much
01:29telling you that yeah it's the exact same figure the only other thing that is
01:33different right now between this one and the way that I removed it from the tray
01:36is that he doesn't actually have the closed fist that has the kryptonite ring
01:39default it is one of the included extra hand accessories I will show you guys
01:43that also in a second speaking though of trying to remove him from the tray I had
01:47a real struggle because his cape is as wide as it is and the slots to get the
01:52cape out is about this wide you can imagine how difficult it was well you
01:56probably even saw for yourself how difficult it was to remove this Batman
01:59I in the process of trying to take him out of the tray I actually broke the
02:03slit because again it's only this wide but the cape is this wide well you can
02:06already see how difficult that would be now we do also have a black and white
02:10version of the Joker so if you're looking to display this guy with a Joker
02:13for example he's not though from hush this is though the Joker from the three
02:17Jokers Batman we did get a sketch version of the comedian of the various
02:21offerings what you get included with hush Batman is a podium standee that's
02:25gonna hold of course the trading card on the other side you're gonna get yourself
02:28a display stand and front and center here yes you get also as well a pair of
02:32batarangs and a pair of interchangeable hands the first thing that we'll look at
02:35is probably the less interesting thing and not to diminish this at all of
02:38course it's always an interesting thing that we get ourselves a display stand
02:41it's also even more interesting this time around because unlike the black
02:44logo usually being prominent on the front of the display stands for normal
02:47multiverse releases check this out instead what you get yourself a is a
02:52white logo to go with the black and white motif it still has the peg off to
02:56the far corner it can still plug into either one of Batman's boots it's always
02:59really recommend especially for this mold of Batman to keep this on the ready
03:03and keep it in the ready off to the side here the figure as well comes include
03:06with the podium stand the stand is in fact I'm gonna bring in the one we got
03:10from the Joker the exact same maybe I would say like the one we got from Joker
03:14is a little bit of a darker black I mean it looks a little bit more blurrier here
03:17in Batman but other than that it's the exact same standee it's a different card
03:21granted and this time around we actually get herself a sketched card of the Jim
03:25Lee Batman I'm gonna get a closer look at that that's a nice-looking Batman it
03:29looks like from what I can see because there's no colors obviously separate one
03:32part of the scene from another it does look like he's throwing his batarang
03:35stuff to the side there nice-looking card though on the back we're not gonna
03:38get a read up this time around oh no but what we get instead is a certificate of
03:42authenticity signed by Todd McFarlane even though it's not really signed
03:46obviously it's just been printed on there but this is also as well p11 out
03:50of 4,800 copies worldwide I when it comes to by the way these going into
03:55trading card sheets I don't do that with the standees like this either what I end
03:58up doing is I put them back in the packaging let's hold on hold on let me
04:02just get the card actually in here first what I usually do is with the podium
04:05standees I usually put them back into the the tray just because I don't decide
04:09to display them or I just display them with the figures if if I like certainly
04:13that card I think this time around this one isn't gonna go back to that broken
04:16tray because you know the cape did wonders for it I might actually just end
04:20up displaying it with Batman it's too good of a card too good of a card I
04:22think to put back in the box let's move that off to the side figure as well
04:26comes included with a pair of swappable hands so right now he has a close fist
04:29on one side and then he has a batarang holding hand on this side what he does
04:34also get as an alternative is he does also come in clue with the gestured hand
04:38which would then swap out on this side and even that is also getting a little
04:42bit of the shadowing so you can see it's on the inside of his hand there so in
04:45between his finger on his pointer finger and his thumb you get a little bit of
04:49black black blotching there as well he does also get as well the ring hand now
04:54I was kind of wondering though for this particular release of Batman if they
04:57would have decided to give him a just a regular fist hand like for example do I
05:01have it no I don't I was gonna say I have also as well the black cowl Batman
05:05which essentially is still hush Batman is just got the open mouth this got
05:08packed I think believe I believe it got packed along with hush I don't have the
05:12close fist for that so that probably would have not helped but just to bring
05:15back in the blue cowl to Batman which is obviously the mold brother to this one
05:19yeah this one had remember the original kryptonite ring so they have still
05:23included it although it's a little harder to make out the green because
05:26obviously it's all molded here in white exact same ring though if you didn't
05:30want to change out the hands it's just a case I'm probably not gonna swap this
05:33hand out because I think the idea of actually having him holding batarangs
05:36make a little bit more sense but let's say for this we're gonna remove this
05:39hand on this side just pop it from the provided peg pretty easy to do and then
05:43you're just gonna swap it out with this hand careful doing this by the way I've
05:47not drawn blood but these spikes on the sides of his gauntlet are pretty pointy
05:52and then he wants that swapped out even though he's still not gonna be able to
05:55hold a batarang at all with this I kind of like the idea of displaying him with
05:58a gestured hand getting him to stand for at least right now the one other thing I
06:02did want to show you guys and this guy is actually really prone to falling over
06:06just because he's got very very much a heavy cape on the back of his body he
06:10does also get himself a pair of batarangs the batarangs are just cast
06:13here in white and half of that looking like something that Two-Face would
06:17belong but belonging in his collection there's that black there on the top the
06:21only problem the only problem I see with this is the way that he holds the
06:25batarangs and this is a this is a very minor nitpick if you look at Batman
06:30obviously he's only gonna be able to hold it on this side this other side is
06:32a gestured hand right so we can rule out this side completely if we wanted to go
06:36with the idea of him holding the batarang on this side you're likely not
06:40gonna be displaying it like this right unless Batman's going up to just pummel
06:45somebody with hand to hand he's probably not gonna be holding the batarang that
06:49way at least I don't think he would be I think he would rather throw the
06:52batarang this way right it's kind of like throwing a frisbee the thing about
06:56it though is the moment you do that the shading that he has on the top now this
07:01is again depending on where you would think the target sunlight would be
07:04coming in if I had it say facing this way you could say like well the Sun is
07:10hitting it this way but then that's that's the reason why there's no
07:13shadowing here and that that makes sense why the shadow would be on the inside
07:15but if you look at though where that the light is hitting Batman so let's
07:19assume for all things that the lights coming down this way right then there's
07:23really shouldn't be a shadow this way if you have the batarang facing this
07:27direction sure enough though if you have it facing this way then it makes sense I
07:30would honestly though I mean again this is just this is a small thing very very
07:34small thing but you know what I would have done though is I would have made
07:38the batarangs completely different colored so that they weren't shadowing
07:41in the exact same spot sure enough you could have shadowed it on one side but
07:45then I would have taken the shadow and flipped it around on the opposite side
07:48so if you wanted to have Batman holding the batarang this way the shadow would
07:52line itself with the arm if you wanted to have it flipped around this way then
07:56you would just swap it out with the other batarang because it is again
07:59literally the exact same mold just colored it in the two different spots so
08:02you could have the two different configurations is that really a big deal
08:04it's probably not a really a big deal it's just something as a review I just
08:08want to point out just again because if you wanted to follow the form of the
08:11shadow yeah okay we'll stop talking about it what we'll continue to talk
08:14about though is how well the shadow is effective on this figure well first of
08:18all really like this mold and I've always been a big fan of hush Batman you
08:21know I have though in the early reviews said that the body is pretty big if you
08:24display it with other Batman or other DC multiverse figures then I feel like this
08:28is too big of a Batman body if though you display the figure on his own I
08:33think this figure has always been one of the better looking sculpts for Batman it
08:36works really well by evoking that look to Jim Lee's original design but what I
08:40really think that this does better for is by adding this now only shadowing
08:45essentially the figure is only really cast in white plastic so it is really
08:49just the same mold as the blue cowl Batman but by stripping away all the
08:53colors it kind of leaves a lot more to the imagination and I feel like where
08:56they was smartly shadowing this guy is really only in the areas that count you
09:01don't necessarily need to shadow everything so obviously again like the
09:04Sun's probably coming down from this direction I mean anybody that knows a
09:08little bit more about sunlight I think like I think we're all very knowledgeable
09:11about Suns but if you know a little bit more about sunlight you could probably
09:14be even more nitpicking the idea that maybe like the shadow would be cast in
09:17little different areas but you know it hits it where I feel it needs to hit it
09:21so like this side of his face be completely pale and completely all sun
09:25soaked and then of course you'd have the shadow on this side I do think that it
09:29works really well with this particular mold and I feel like they were also
09:31smart with weight where they selected the shadowing it wasn't just a case that
09:35they looked at this and thought okay we'll put black over here we'll leave
09:37white over here I mean everything where again you would imagine Sun hitting it
09:41other than maybe like these little areas here I think it's it's in crucial
09:45suggested areas it's not just randomly selected the head sculpt looks really
09:50good depending on where you see it from the white side or you spin this around
09:53you see from the darker side I think the dark side brings a little bit more when
09:57it comes to the personality of the mold you lose a little bit of it granted when
10:01you see it from this side but again I really think that shadow works really
10:04well in this particular figure things like his emblem for example I mean
10:08obviously they chose just to make this completely dark I mean you could say
10:11yeah maybe this one side be white I don't think when it comes to a bat
10:15emblem it necessarily has to follow the rules of light and dark colors I think
10:19keeping this all black is a fine fine idea I mean again when you're looking at
10:23things like his belt buckle you've got the shadow on the one side his like his
10:26pockets for example like where the flap would fold down would cast a shadow
10:30there so again all those areas make sense and of course when you flip around
10:33the back of the cape you know again like you got a one side that's again
10:37very much a split side like a two-faced dark on the one side light on the other
10:40this particular cape I've always really liked the cape the trade-off
10:43unfortunately by liking a cape this size is that it does add a lot more weight on
10:47the back of Batman's body so I would certainly say as I said earlier keep the
10:51stands on the ready because you never know when you might need them now for
10:54the articulation on this figure it's gonna be essentially the exact same as
10:56the hush Batman nothing changes at all because the exact same mold because of
11:00that also this particular Batman is one of those cases where the head and the
11:03neck are all one piece one appliance you're not gonna have a separate head
11:07articulation you're not gonna have a separate neck articulation the pose
11:10abilities in both parts so when you're moving the head everything moves
11:13together head looks down that low the head looks up and you can also move it
11:17back and forth and of course all always you can rotate these heads all the way
11:20around the upper torso is gonna be on a bulge right the lower abdomen area is
11:25also on a bulge right and then for the arms the arms hinge out very quite
11:29freely there's nothing obstructing them at all even like the way they've they
11:32got the cape the cape doesn't cast itself over the shoulders so there's
11:36lots of freedoms for the arms to move completely all the way out so about 90
11:39degree angle bend I mean a complete 90 degree angle bend for those you take the
11:43arms rotate them all the way around no problems with the capes at all the
11:47figure does have a swivel yes on his bicep he also does possess a double
11:50hinge on his elbow and Batman's hands rotate all the way around when we move
11:54down to the lower legs here the legs are on ratcheted joints you can see the
11:57ratchets on the built-in on the inside cavity of the thighs you can take the
12:01legs and move forward you can move them back there's a swivel at the top of the
12:04thigh the figure does still possess a double hinge on the knee no articulation
12:08for the boot that's all one molded piece the rest the continued mold to the calf
12:11but then there's the ankle articulation you can rock it back and forth and the
12:15figure does have yes toe articulation still going back to the idea he does
12:19have peg holes the undersides of his feet most recommended highly recommended
12:22use the display stand so you can plug into either one of those peg holes all
12:26in all though I'm nice-looking Batman so like the look of the mold I mean it's
12:29one of those cases honestly though when it comes to my own collection I don't
12:32tend to ever really put hush Batman with the rest of my DC multiverse figures for
12:36the sole reason really is that the body has just always been really too big on
12:40its own though try not to knock him over whatever you do on its own though it's a
12:44fantastic looking Batman and you know as well even though I really like the color
12:48scheme of the grays and the blues and hey why not there's also as well the
12:50black cowl version if I can get this guy to stand yeah the problem is that the
12:54cape is always ever apparent getting in the stand though for a second bringing
12:57in the black cowl hopefully not knock any of these guys over the capes don't
13:03get them too close to one another whatever you do you know again like
13:05either obviously the head sculpts are the only thing that's really different
13:08about the book and Batman's on either sides of him but again like this mold
13:12has always worked really worked well for the Caped Crusader taking then the
13:15colors sucking them off and then just leaving behind then the white barren
13:19plastic and then adding the shadowing takes then the mold that I already liked
13:23on either side and it elevates it it's funny though that with the colors now
13:27absent it ends up being a better looking Batman a result of it what a fine
13:31offering from the folks over at McFarland toys the new sketch edition
13:35hush Batman takes all the elements of the original hush Batman that I liked so
13:38much and by now only approaching it with only just two colors the primary colors
13:43of the white and then they're darker accented colors of the black boy does it
13:47give ever get the chance for the mold to shine this would be also one of those
13:50cases where if they haven't already entertained the idea I think that
13:53McFarland and his team could really take the hush Batman mold and releases a
13:56statue with the same sort of two-tone color effect I think it would work
14:00really well with this particular design of Batman from head to toe I mean it
14:04still is essentially just the same mold as the two hush Batman's we've gotten
14:06before I guess we've now got what three three or four molds I mean really even
14:11just a branch into like the vampire territory I think when it's all said and
14:15done we may even have like six or seven versions of this particular mold but
14:19this one is one that probably sit pretty high on my list as one of my all-time
14:21uses of this mold the cape is always gonna still be a problem the cape is
14:25just it looks good on the back but it does add a lot of unnecessary weight to
14:29the back of Batman's body luckily though as always the case McFarland includes a
14:33display stand so that's never really gonna be a problem of Batman toppling
14:36over providing that you've got the figure firmly attached on to the
14:38provided peg on a display stand the only thing I would say though as did mention
14:43an earlier end of the review is that I do kind of wish though that the
14:46battering was colored differently as I've got it right now it makes sense if
14:50you follow the form of the sunlight hitting Batman having the shadow at the
14:53top of it works okay if you've got Batman holding it like it looks like
14:56he's wanting to stab somebody or key up somebody's car but if you want to have
15:01it spin spun around so it looks like Batman's actually throwing the battering
15:04which I think would be probably the best way Batman would throw a battering he
15:07wouldn't throw it with a spike sticking forward right he would throw it so
15:11obviously the rounded side is facing forward if you have it that idea then I
15:15think the shadowing doesn't work necessarily for the battering it's a
15:18small little detail I'm sure I could easily just fix it myself but I think
15:21though to include two batterings I think would have given them as well an
15:24opportunity to shadow the batterings in two different places one way to have it
15:28then configured this way and then flipped around the other side so if you
15:31wanted to have the curved side facing forward you can do that as well all in
15:35all though again other than the little oversight of the battering again I love
15:39the way that this guy's colored colored also in a way to that it logically makes
15:43sense to look at this again if you are somebody that knows a lot about sunlight
15:47I mean do we all know I don't think the vampires would know all about sunlight I
15:50guess they would research it but I mean firsthand exposure to sunlight would be
15:53probably the last thing a vampire would ever want to think about but I think
15:57though it like again the shadowing works well with particular Batman you can see
16:00sort of right away where the Sun was hitting his costume you can see what
16:04other side of his body is basically still left in the shadows a really nice
16:08looking figure what do you guys though think of the sketch edition hush Batman
16:11is this an instant pickup what do you guys think of it let me know down below
16:14a big thank you once again of course to the folks over at McFarland toys that
16:17did come through and provide the sample of the hush Batman sketch edition that
16:20we had the chance to have a look at this review if you guys did enjoy this video
16:23I want throw it a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing
16:26and you'd like to stick around for more I hope so if you haven't already make
16:30sure you hit that subscribe button down below and of course just next to that
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16:35watching see you guys next time
