Haunted Train _ Bhutia Train _ Scary Pumpkin _ Hindi Horror Stories _ Animated S

  • 2 months ago
00:00The writer of this story is Sonia Saini, Monica was a 21-year-old virgin, she got a job in a good IT company in the campus placement, her shift ended at around 12 at night, even that day after finishing her work, she left the office and reached the railway station with the help of her cycle,
00:30After parking the cycle, Monica stood on the platform and started waiting for her train, suddenly her eyes went to the LED board on the railway station, like everyday the name and schedule of the train coming in it was not visible, the LED of the display board was blinking again and again,
00:47Suddenly the power of the platform was supplied and it was dark everywhere, before anyone could understand anything, Monica's train came on the platform, without delay, along with the rest of the passengers, Monica also boarded the train quickly, it was 11.30 at night,
01:06Today, only a few passengers were visible in the train, Monica put loud music in her headphone and closed her eyes and put her head on the back support of the seat, in a little while, even though there was loud music, due to the tiredness of the whole day, her eyes were hurt,
01:23After a while, her mobile started ringing, Monica's sleep was broken by the sound of the ring, Papa's name was flashing on the screen, Monica picked up the phone, then Papa's voice was heard from there,
01:36Monica, son, did you get the train?
01:39Yes Papa, I am in the train, you don't worry
01:42Which station has come?
01:44Listening to Papa, Monica suddenly opened her eyes and looked around in her coach, she could not believe her eyes, there was complete darkness in the whole coach, no display was visible and no announcement was heard,
02:02Papa, I think there is some problem, there is nothing in the train, all the lights are off and no announcement is being made,
02:09Son, what is the matter to ask a passenger nearby?
02:13Papa, the whole coach is empty, I am alone here,
02:17What are you saying, son, I am scared, see, as soon as the train stops at the next station, you get down there, I will come to pick you up.
02:25Okay Papa
02:27Monica was waiting for the train to stop at the next station, usually this train stops at the next station every 10 or 12 minutes, but today it was 20 minutes, but the train was not stopping, Monica was getting scared, she had no idea where she was.
02:46I will go to the driver's cabin and contact him, maybe he can help.
02:50Thinking this, Monica turns on her mobile torch and reaches the engine room, she goes there and keeps knocking on the driver's cabin, but there is no answer from inside.
03:04Monica's breathing was getting out of control, she calms her breathing and comes back to her seat.
03:12Now she just had to wait for the train to stop so that she could get down and ask for help and call her dad there.
03:20In the same way, 10 more minutes pass, suddenly the speed of the train begins to decrease, seeing the speed of the train decreasing, Monica's life begins to come to life.
03:31In a few minutes, the train stops at some station, it was dark outside, there was no light anywhere at the station.
03:39Monica looked out of the window, there was not a single person on the platform, now Monica was getting even more scared, she quickly took out her mobile and called her dad again.
03:53Dad, the train has stopped at some station, but I don't understand which station it is, it's just dark outside, I can't see anyone on the platform, what should I do?
04:04Son, once I check my live location on the map, you will know where your train is right now.
04:11Monica checks her location, she finds out that she is at an unknown place, which even the GPS was not able to track.
04:19Monica then calls her dad.
04:22Dad, what is happening to me? Even the GPS is not able to track this place, where should I go? You come dad, I am very scared.
04:31Suddenly the signal is cut off, the call is disconnected.
04:36Monica starts looking for a way out of the station, then she sees a big board there.
04:44The name of the station must have been written on it, let me light the torch and see.
04:48As soon as she looks towards the board in the light of the torch, she feels a tingling sensation in her body.
04:54The board was completely covered in blood and blood drops were still dripping from it.
04:59Monica gets scared and runs back to her train, then her phone starts ringing.
05:06Don't be scared son, be brave, go back to the track from which your train has come.
05:12Look, there must be something around, some church, some building, something will definitely happen.
05:17You try, as soon as you see anything, tell me immediately, I am also trying to ask for help from the police.
05:23Wiping her tears, Monica starts running in the opposite direction as her dad told her to.
05:29There was darkness everywhere on the track.
05:33While running, Monica could hear the sounds of many footsteps behind her.
05:38It felt like a lot of people were running behind her.
05:42Monica gets scared and looks back, but there was nothing but silence behind her.
05:48Monica was running with all her strength.
05:52Suddenly, she hears someone's voice in her ears.
05:57It felt like someone was calling her name in anger.
06:01Monica was so scared that she didn't even have the courage to turn back.
06:07Holding her mobile in her hand, she was running in the light of the flashlight.
06:12Suddenly, her running steps stopped.
06:15She saw that a woman was hanging upside down on the pole in front of her.
06:20Her hair was floating in the air.
06:22And she was laughing with a dangerous face.
06:26Monica's throat was drying up with fear.
06:29Now she didn't have the courage to go any further.
06:32So she turns back to go back to the station.
06:34As soon as she turns back, she sees a man running towards her from a distance.
06:40His whole body looked like it was cut and torn.
06:43His face looked very scary.
06:46As if he was crushed somewhere.
06:48That man was shaking his hand and was stopping him from running on the track.
06:52Monica couldn't understand where he was going.
06:55She got scared and started running towards the pole again.
06:59Monica couldn't understand where he was going.
07:02She got scared and started running towards the pole again.
07:05Where a woman was hanging upside down a few minutes ago,
07:08that pole was now completely empty.
07:11The path ahead was also completely empty.
07:14So to escape from that man, Monica starts running on the track again.
07:18After running for a while, she sees a car standing near the track.
07:23Monica picks up the phone to tell her father about the car.
07:26She sees that the battery of the phone is down.
07:30The headlights of this car are on.
07:32That means there is definitely someone in the car.
07:34What should I do? Should I ask for help or
07:37should I keep waiting for my death at the ghost station?
07:40Monica thinks for a while.
07:42And after that, she stands in front of the car, shaking her hand.
07:46Seeing Monica in such a state, a man comes out of the car.
07:51What's the matter?
07:53What are you doing on such a track at this hour?
07:56Monica was shivering badly.
07:59It felt like she would fall unconscious at any moment.
08:03Seeing Monica in such a state, that man puts her in the car.
08:08Okay, you sit inside and tell me what's the matter.
08:11I don't know what's happening to me.
08:13I don't know how I came to this place.
08:15Now I am not able to get out of here even after trying a lot.
08:18Can you tell me which place is this?
08:20Monica was talking in her own voice.
08:23Then she realized that the young man in the car was taking her back to the platform.
08:29No, please stop.
08:31Where are you taking me?
08:33I don't want to go back there.
08:35As soon as Monica says this, that boy smiles and looks back.
08:39The next moment, that boy's face starts changing.
08:42And he turns into the same man who was following her on the track.
08:48A loud scream comes out of Monica's mouth.
08:50And she gets out of the car and starts running like crazy again.
08:55She could clearly hear the sound of that man's footsteps behind her.
08:59While running, she comes back in front of her train.
09:02If there is no other way, she gets back on the train to hide.
09:07And hides under a seat.
09:10Monica's entire body was covered in sweat.
09:14She was still shivering with fear.
09:15The fear had settled in her mind so much that the next moment she fainted out of fear.
09:21In a few moments, the train starts moving.
09:24And leaves the station behind and moves ahead.
09:27After a while, Monica regains consciousness.
09:30So she finds herself in the emergency room of the station.
09:33How are you feeling now, ma'am?
09:35You fainted on your seat.
09:37The train staff members brought you here.
09:40Please inform someone at your home.
09:42Monica was looking around in amazement.
09:45She still couldn't believe that she has come back from that station.
09:51Please call my dad.
09:53Ma'am, your phone's battery was low.
09:56I have charged it.
09:58Here you go.
10:00Monica takes out her phone and calls her dad.
10:02Hello, where were you, son?
10:05I was so worried.
10:07It's been three hours.
10:09I haven't returned home yet.
10:10You know that I had called you.
10:13What are you saying, son?
10:15Where are you?
10:17Monica sends her dad to her location.
10:19In a while, Monica's dad comes and takes her home in his car.
10:24On the way, Monica takes out her phone and checks the call history.
10:28She had dialed her dad's number about ten times in the last three hours.
10:33But she hadn't spoken to him even once.
10:36I had spoken to my dad every time.
10:38But I could only see the dial number on the phone.
10:42And if all that was my illusion,
10:44then when I was unconscious,
10:46who called me and when?
10:48Monica had a lot of questions in her mind.
10:51Her only answer was that
10:53even after seeing all this in one night,
10:56she was returning home alive.
10:58Monica wanted to forget the incident of last night as a nightmare.
11:03That's when she looks at the side mirror of her car.
11:06She sees
11:08that the same scary man
11:11is driving behind her car.
