পূর্ণাঙ্গ বাজেটে যুবদের কর্মসংস্থানের উপর বিশেষ জোর! কী বললেন বিসিসিআইয়ের সভাপতি? জেনে নিন

  • 3 months ago
পূর্ণাঙ্গ বাজেটে যুবক যুবতীদের কর্মসংস্থানের উপর বিশেষ জোর দেওয়া হয়েছে, তা নিয়ে অকপট বিসিসিআইয়ের সভাপতি গৌতম রায়


00:00From Monday morning, the first full-length budget of the third term of the Modi government was in view.
00:06Budget negotiations have started since Monday.
00:09The budget was presented by the Minister of Finance of the country, Nirmala Sitaraman.
00:14She presented the budget on the 7th through the budget press and recorded it.
00:19Central Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman announced today that TDS will be withdrawn from the mutual fund.
00:27Earlier, TDS would have been reduced by Rs. 2.7 crores.
00:30That is also being withdrawn.
00:32In terms of long-term capital gain in terms of share,
00:36the tax has been increased from Rs. 10.7 crores to Rs. 12.5 crores.
00:41In addition, the focus of the current budget is on the Jubodar Parma Institution.
00:46What facilities did the ordinary people have in this?
00:49What does the Vice-Chairman of the BCCI, Gautam Rao, say?
00:53How did the budget happen today?
00:55How is the BCCI looking at the budget and how did the overall budget happen?
00:59From the BCCI's point of view, we consider this budget as a continuation of the development process that is going on.
01:10The BCCI has set the direction on how to develop the sector,
01:16how to focus on the sector, how to improve the framework,
01:22how to allocate funding for it.
01:25This is a continuation of the budget.
01:30We have focused a lot on employment.
01:34How do you see this issue?
01:36Employment and agriculture.
01:39We have focused on agriculture.
01:42The focus on employment has been good.
01:45Skills, training, internship.
01:49The focus on employment has been good.
01:53Last question.
01:54The two states have been given political and financial support.
01:59Was this done politically?
02:01This is a national budget.
02:03This is a national budget.
02:07We have made a big allocation for the eastern region.
02:12We are also a very important state here in West Bengal.
02:19We hope to see the power project in the future.
02:23We have to see the allocation.
02:27The budget has mentioned five new requirements for employment.
02:33There has been a lot of pressure on the rural workforce.
02:36There has been a lot of pressure on the rural workforce.
02:45The budget has mentioned five new requirements for employment.
02:50The budget has mentioned five new requirements for employment.
02:57Sandeep Shoura report, One India Bangla.
