McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse JLA Plastic Man Wave BAF Plastic Man Figure
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse JLA Plastic Man Wave BAF Plastic Man Figure
00:00make a fist well I can do a lot more than that here's a look the brand-new
00:03McFarland toys DC multiverse the JLA's build-a-figure plastic man
00:15the criminal known as eel O'Brien along with a gang of underlings broke in and
00:19attempted to rob coal chemical but the police arrived on the scene while eel
00:24and the others fled he was shot by a cop and exposed to an unknown acid he
00:28managed to make it outside but collapsed unconscious from the pain when
00:31he awoke eel found his flesh was elastic and he had no control over it morphing
00:35into strange and frightful forms I think plastic man might be the first
00:39rubber-necking driver that can still keep his eyes on the road just before we
00:43get a closer look though at the JLA's build-a-figure plastic man the tape
00:46measure is gonna tell us that the figure stands at 7 inches in height or plastic
00:51man is 17 and a half centimeters tall I'll get a load of us you and me we all
00:56looked at the four figures that made up the Justice League wave and through that
00:59we together have all been building plastic man I didn't want to keep also
01:03plastic man all kind of sharing the same space as the black suit Batman so of
01:07course did want to have a look at him separately all the other four figures
01:10that we've already had a look at of course is the Jon Stewart's a good
01:13looking Jon Stewart sort of questionable why they chose to give him like that
01:16weaving in the texturing in his suits I think they could have easily given just
01:20a smooth suit like the how Jordan we looked at before we also looked at blue
01:23suit Superman or blue Superman if you prefer a black Batman we looked at him
01:28in fact the last review and we looked at hook hand Aquaman now this could very
01:32well be you could select some of these for your JLA setup or you can also as
01:36well choose these for your Justice League lineup some of my figures that I
01:40have in my Justice League setup right now I've got the classic blue beetle
01:43can't beat him speaking of classic members I now have me my hell Jordan in
01:47that setup as well and even though I never really get the chance to bring him
01:50in here's also what the figure looks like with dead man now because plastic
01:54man of course is the bath figure from this wave it means that he doesn't come
01:57included first of all like a trading card doesn't come include with a
01:59display stand and no but what he does have also though is the benefit of
02:03swappable parts something I wasn't really expecting that the figure could
02:06have had in to be fair really McFarlane could have easily just phoned it in and
02:11simply just include the figure with just the arms that he has right now no way he
02:15also comes a clue with an alternate head sculpt too but I did kind of want to
02:17start things with more the simple look to plastic man before we make things all
02:21outrageous getting a closer look though at the figure one of my most looked
02:26forward to figures I think from a bath standpoint he certainly doesn't have the
02:29mass like for example like a build a figure like clay face I'm just throwing
02:32clay face out there even though clay face really wasn't a build a figure but
02:35get the idea something of larger size would it make it a little bit more of a
02:38accommodating choice rather than a character that's really for all intents
02:41and purposes a regular size figure you could say like for example he could have
02:45just been a platinum edition or a collector's edition and still just
02:48include all the accessories but I feel like I had a more rewarding experience
02:52actually building this guy just because I was a big fan of plastic man now all
02:56in all though he's a good-looking figure there are a few little elements that
02:59we'll talk about course in this review that you know maybe they maybe could
03:02have done a little bit better of a job I think the biggest takeaway for me while
03:06I do like I really do like the head sculpt on this one this isn't gonna be
03:09the head sculpt I'm gonna be choosing to display him with when I put this guy
03:11eventually on the shelf he has a defaulted I don't want to say defaulted
03:15but if you wanted to get just a regular looking head he's got a big smiling head
03:18with the large of course plastic man glasses one of the things I really like
03:22though is that McFarland took the time knew the source material and they added
03:26the little grid marks that he has usually on his glasses that's a nice
03:28little touch to smile is good I even may may have even mentioned when we were
03:32looking at was it the black suit Batman I said that and I know he's older now
03:36but Bruce Campbell back in the day a young Bruce Campbell we're talking like
03:39Evil Dead 1 or Evil Dead 2 even like army of darkness Bruce Campbell then
03:43would have been an ideal person to cast as Plastic Man I think that that
03:47opportunity is probably already set sail he's a little older I think now to be
03:51able to play Plastic Man but an ideal actor if you ask me that's who I would
03:55have picked right away. Head sculpt is really good on this guy now again he
03:58does have an alternate head that we'll look at more in a moment from his body
04:02now there here's the problem the biggest and only real problem I have with the
04:05figure while generally he does look really good it's very more apparent that
04:09you can see that they printed on this part of his orangey shred suit and then
04:13they would have just relied on just molding this in the red plastic there
04:16is definitely a divide when you're looking at the two what not only this is
04:19more of a matte finish but it's clearly more darker as well than his arms I only
04:23bring this to your attention because it's about the only thing I would say I
04:26would have done differently I mean it's a harder thing to really pull off
04:28because he has first of all a really weird looking outfit to start off with
04:32and obviously that the easiest thing for them to have done is just molding this
04:36in the flesh tone plastic and then just painted the parts over top because of
04:40that I mean obviously looking at the arms and then looking at the torso
04:42they're not quite matching 100% on the colors he also seems to have a slightly
04:46darker color that they've used for the elbow joints again I'm kind of just
04:50going through the boxes I would check for things I would say are not a
04:53detriment to the figure but things that kind of make the figure kind of remove
04:57from being a perfect looking plastic man it's just again like the elbow joints
05:00are a little bit of a darker plastic and just like the torso is clearly
05:04differently painted than using the plastic cast arms instead the rest of
05:09the figure does look good though and there's nothing really at all I would
05:12have changed other than maybe wishful thinking if anything I wish that they
05:15could have included some other alternate arms like for example just to give them
05:18some variations I mean obviously to with the way that the legs are designed the
05:23legs were more of a harder thing to plug in place I had to actually in fact heat
05:28this a little bit just so I could soften up the plastic for the socket I would
05:31probably recommend this too if you're having a tough time when it comes to
05:33build figures just to get the arms or the legs on them if you're having a
05:37struggle keep them first just to soften up the socket and it's a lot easier
05:40really to attach the lower legs so in fact I did that the legs aren't gonna be
05:44falling off at all I mean knock on wood they're not gonna be falling off at all
05:47I mean this is one thing that they probably could have not given them
05:52alternate parts the arms are the easiest because as you'll see in a second the
05:55arms are so easy just to pop off the ball joints these would be a lot harder
05:59to do I can understand why they chose not to include swappable leg parts I
06:03think that the legs don't necessarily need to be changed either but though if
06:06you wanted to change the things for plastic man he comes with it whoop he
06:10comes with this alternate head sculpt so just now it dropped on the floor just
06:16retrieving the head I don't know what I was what was happening here comes with
06:18an alternate head sculpt now unfortunately one thing that he
06:21sacrifices in is because he's got the neck that's turned like this they didn't
06:25opt to choose up putting a ball joint on there so you can't independently move
06:29the head from the rest of the neck the neck and the head are all one piece but
06:33a bit of a bummer that this wasn't separately articulated so you'd be able
06:36still to rotate the head as so that the neck and the head were two separate
06:39pieces but I mean obviously that would be involved more tooling and some
06:43additional cost of course of producing a separate neck to a separate head the
06:47neck though and the head are as one piece again are different from the head
06:50sculpt that we look at is from before plastic man I feel is also a little bit
06:53more like was it like Jerry Lewis Jerry Lewis the comedian looks a little bit
06:57like him as well Jerry Lewis was apparently a real nasty man not only to
07:01some of his fans but also to his kids as well it's a separate discussion for
07:04another day but to change out the heads though it's very easy a lot easier than
07:08I was expecting it's just a case of taking the head that he has right now
07:10just popping off the ball joint just before we actually put this on one thing
07:14I did want to mention is the way they've made the post the ball joint is pretty
07:18small the post is even smaller it's a pretty thin post I don't know how often
07:23I would really want to change the head I would worry that that would start to
07:26snap the plastic now the plastic is pretty gummy anyways but just to
07:30changing out the heads that's probably one of maybe the reasons why they
07:32decided to use a small smaller or thinner post probably just so it was a
07:36lot easier to change out the heads but I just think that the post I don't know
07:40maybe I'm worrying a little bit too much I mean I only ultimately I'm only gonna
07:43be sticking with this head sculpt anyways you could also to change out the
07:47arms as that unfortunately Batman came in clue with not only the two heads but
07:51also the alternate arms these arms I think came included with what Aquaman I
07:55think was Aquaman but if you didn't want to use these arms then he also comes
07:58with a lasso arm which I also jokingly said it'd be good if he wanted to blow
08:02bubbles he comes with one lasso arm and he also comes with the elongated arm
08:08neither one of these by the way as I mentioned the review of the Batman just
08:12get this guy to stand here for a second neither one of these do actually have a
08:15built-in wire which I guess is not one thing that McFarland would do it has
08:19McFarland ever really released a figure that had a built-in wire trying to think
08:23right now I mean one of the things that also would be too is that they would
08:26have to change out the material using plastic probably just from head to toe
08:29would be the easiest thing to have to spend source out a different type of
08:32plastic because I think you have to use a slightly thinner plastic to accommodate
08:35a wire that's built into it just so you could bend it if you didn't want to bend
08:38this though as I did mention you could heat this really in hot water just gonna
08:42take a hot water bath run a few passes as well with a hair dryer just to soften
08:46up the plastic just so you could bend I think of anything I would maybe soften
08:49up the plastic right around the joint of where his elbow would be just so I could
08:53maybe bend it a little bit more in just an elbow like a more of an elbow bend so
08:56it wasn't just a long arm like this and of course with this one you probably
09:00could do something very similar as well I just like the idea that they gave us
09:03extra arms to work with changing out the arms is just as easy as changing out the
09:06head you're just gonna pop the arms off thing you want to make sure you're
09:09careful of though is while you're removing the arms you don't remove these
09:12in the process luckily they're fairly rooted in there that when you're
09:16changing the arms I haven't yet had this happen oh great now I've jinxed things I
09:20haven't had this yet happen or when I pop the arm off I end up dropping this
09:25on the floor and I have to go back and retrieve it like I did earlier with the
09:28head these stay pretty close inside the cavity of the torso if you wanted to
09:32then you could just simply take the arm that you want to use even though it
09:34really he does make any form that he wants and still don't want to follow the
09:38rule of thumbs so I make sure the thumbs are facing the right way this is gonna
09:41plug in on the one side and then we'll do the exact same thing on the other
09:45side and you don't really even have to commit the idea of using all of the
09:50extended limbs either if you want to use just like the head for example I know I
09:53I'm telling you something you guys already know I don't know if I would
09:56necessarily change maybe I might just have one arm as a normal arm I mean I
09:59like this but I think I kind of just like the longer arm instead so I might
10:03just maybe go maybe using this arm and then just swap it out and again you
10:07can't change out the arms you can't change out the hands for example yes
10:10they probably could have made these as a separate removable peg so like the hands
10:13could come off for example and then you could use it with the forearm but again
10:18I know for the same similar reasons as using the head and the neck as a separate
10:21piece it just would be a whole lot more cost of tooling a separate arm to a
10:26separate hand so that's probably one of the reasons why they just molded is all
10:28one piece as he is right now again for the articulation not that the he does
10:33lose obviously now the articulation in the hand but all the articulation pretty
10:36much would stay the same for a plastic man so here's a ball joint the head does
10:40rotate all the way around even if you were really to use this head sculpt you
10:43wouldn't have any more additional benefit of a ball joint the neck and the
10:47head are all still one piece so again like you got your ball joint it does
10:51rotate the head I mean up that high down back and forth and again you could
10:54rotate it all the way around the upper torso is still gonna be in our ball
10:57joint it rotates all the way around the figure does also have a ball joint at
11:00the base of the abdomen that allows the torso to rotate that way too the arms do
11:05are on hinges and you can bring the arms out at 90 degrees you can also take the
11:09arms and rotate them all the way around all the way around again the only thing
11:13he loses now by having the extra length of his arms like this is that now he
11:16doesn't have a swivel obviously in his hands if you had the original hands for
11:19example they would still be able to rotate like normal DC multiverse figures
11:23would have the legs do split and they're on actually hinge joints on the
11:27inside again took a little bit of time a little bit of convincing to get those
11:31legs finally on there but they don't look like they're gonna be going anywhere
11:33the legs go forward the legs go back there's a swivel at the top of the thigh
11:37once again a double hinge on the knee now again the only other thing I would
11:41say I know I was kind of talking earlier about color matching the only other
11:44thing too is that you can see clearly they haven't quite color match the
11:47plastic here you got a much more smoother plastic and a slightly darker
11:50plastic for the the thigh and the lower calf but the knees are not only more of
11:54a matte finish they're also a very different color than the tops and the
11:57bottoms so there's a little bit of color matching issues there as well and there's
12:00also of course plastic man's feet you can very much see as well like anything
12:03really hinging the hinges are also a different plastic color but again you've
12:08got the hinge joint there for the ankle and then you get the feet so the knees
12:11go again forward and back on the legs you got the double bend on the knee you
12:14got the articulation still counting where it is on the ankle you can rock it
12:17back and forth and yeah plastic man still has toe articulation nice to see
12:21that still even though it's a bath figure the figure still manages to pull
12:23off toe articulation and yes he still has pegs on the undersides of his feet
12:27so if you wanted to you could make yourself use of a display stand I mean
12:31certainly there's has been what like four figures in this wave four figures
12:34in this way that just dropped Batman four figures in this wave all all of them
12:37to come include with display stands even though plastic man never really had a
12:40display stand you can easily just you know pillage one from another figure
12:44speaking of other figures bringing in the other figures we've already had a
12:47look at now I as I try to I've done this in the past I'm gonna try to do this as
12:51well when we look at future bath figures too I want to kind of rank my top three
12:55favorite figures from this wave it's a little harder to do obviously because
12:58when we have really four figures I'm not gonna count necessarily plastic man
13:01because plastic man is the bath of this wave but if I was to rank these in order
13:06of my favorites I would probably go with like the blue suit Superman or the blue
13:10Superman I know I keep calling the blue suit Superman the blue suit blue Superman
13:14I would go number one I'd go hook hand Aquaman number two you guys probably
13:18already can see where this is going as well if I can get Aquaman Aquaman's has
13:22really been of the figures the hardest one I seem to stand I don't know
13:25something about his ankles getting him to stand he would be number two and then
13:30of course you already know my feelings when it comes to black suit Batman I
13:33would go with John Stewart number three Batman I just I don't know I just don't
13:36feel like he belongs in this particular wave I feel like he's a filler figure
13:40essentially taking a mold that they already had in their inventory and
13:43there's nothing wrong with that at all I just don't think it was the right
13:46choice of Batman to include in this wave and I think if anything I mean we've
13:49gotten really enough Batman's anyways that did we really need a Batman in this
13:52wave I mean to have a Justice League wave why not they could have thrown in
13:56Wonder Woman Wonder Woman would an ideal candidate I mean they obviously have
14:00released singular JLA members but I think like a Wonder Woman would be ideal
14:04I just don't know if I would always go and phone in the Batman button I mean
14:08Batman we've gotten enough of the Batman's I don't think he necessarily
14:11need to be part of this wave and ultimately though he is not my he's not
14:14even in the top three even though there was only four figures from this wave all
14:17in all though I really like the look of plastic man I like the fact he they they
14:21did at least take the time to swap out some of the parts yeah I think you know
14:23again like the color matching isn't quite 100% the torso is clearly
14:27different from the arms clearly different from the little trunks that he
14:30has down below there are some color matching issues when it comes to like
14:33this knees and his elbows not not on these arms obviously but some color
14:36matching issues but I don't know other than that if there's anything at all I
14:40would change the figure I've really liked the look of him and I'm glad we
14:42finally have ourselves a true DC multiverse release a plastic man in the
14:48end plastic man really didn't need to be a bath figure in the first place it
14:51could I think easily release this guy as either a platinum edition or maybe even
14:55a McFarlane collectors edition figure including all the same still accessories
14:59the swappable limbs for the arms and then the two different interchangeable
15:01heads obviously they would have probably asked a little more of a higher price
15:05than regular DC multiverse figures and hey why not I still would have paid the
15:08higher asking price in order to get this guy finally in my collection I
15:10don't feel necessarily robbed that this guy was a build-a-figure I think there's
15:14enough at least added accessories like plastic man I think is a worthy
15:18candidate you couldn't simply just take any just random figure like if I'm
15:23looking at like energy or blues Superman blue Superman I would think like
15:27looking at him the first thing I would probably say it's like this guy never
15:29needed to be a bath figure in the first place plastic man though because he does
15:33have all these extra limb parts because he's known for being stretchy and you
15:36can like elongate parts to his body I think he again justifies being a
15:41build-a-figure could he have been released on his own yes but I don't feel
15:44like at the end of building figures the worst thing you can really do is when
15:47you're building any collect collect and connect figure or like a build-a-figure
15:51depending on which you know what lines are collected from different companies
15:54there's nothing worse than really when you get to the end of it and you think
15:56to yourself this figure didn't need to be this this figure didn't need to be a
16:01collect and connect the figure didn't need to be a build-a-figure I don't feel
16:04like I'm having that feelings at all when it comes to plastic man the figure
16:07looks good the figure has enough things going for him that I think justifies why
16:10you had to collect four figures even though again like I don't think the
16:14Batman was really a necessary inclusion in this wave I don't feel like at the
16:18end of this now having bought all four figures that I feel like I'm robbed that
16:22plastic man was the end goal I feel like I'm now justified to the fact that I
16:26finally get myself a plastic man and the plastic man looks good he comes with two
16:29different head sculpts neither one of them unfortunately do have independent
16:32articulation in the head so the head and the neck are all kind of one piece
16:36that's not a big thing at all that's not a deal-breaker at all the figure does
16:39come included again with some swappable arms so you can choose at least from the
16:42top half of his body how you want to customize the figure you don't have to
16:45have necessarily both long arms if you want to choose a one short arm one long
16:49arm again you can do whatever you want when it comes to your collection I don't
16:52know if I'm necessarily gonna display this guy with the lasso arm I think if
16:55anything I might just display him with a regular short arm and then the long arm
16:58on the other side I don't know there's at least enough stuff going on for this
17:01guy that he has what I would always really say shelf appeal he's the kind of
17:05figure that you would look at you'd walk by the first time you say hey that's it
17:08even if you don't even know who plastic man is there's enough for him at least
17:12that when you're looking at him you'll go back and take a second look what do
17:15you guys think of plastic man let me know down below in the comment section
17:18do you feel like this guy should have been sold as a separate figure or do you
17:21like the idea that he was a bath figure that's a build a figure by the way let
17:24me know what your feelings are of plastic man down below in the comment
17:27section and also to consider I did tell you guys my ranking of this wave I know
17:30again it's only four figures I would again have gone with blue Superman then
17:34hook hand Aquaman and then of course Jon Stewart what would you say is your top
17:38three favorite figures from this four figure wave let me know down below if in
17:42the meantime you guys did enjoy this video on throw it a like if you guys are
17:44loving the content you guys are seeing and want to stick around for more we're
17:47gonna wrap up things up right now sad to say for plastic man but there are gonna
17:51be more DC multiverse reviews coming your way of course as always guys thanks
17:54for watching see you guys next time