Frank Mrvan Celebrates Pride Month, Calls For A More ‘Inclusive, Empathetic & Tolerant Society’
During House floor remarks on Monday, Rep. Frank Mrvan (D-IN) spoke about Pride Month.
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00:00 Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
00:02 Madam Speaker, it is with great respect that I rise today to recognize Pride Month and to
00:07 celebrate all the members of the LGBTQ community in Northwest Indiana and across our nation.
00:13 I am proud to be a member of the Congressional Equality Caucus and a supporter of the Equality
00:17 Act. This critical legislation aims to prohibit at the federal level discriminations based on sex,
00:22 orientation, and gender identity in accessing education, employment, and housing benefits.
00:28 More must be done to ensure that all LGBTQ individuals are able to thrive and succeed
00:35 in our communities without fear of discrimination. As we continue in Pride Month and the rest of the
00:40 year, let us continue to do all we can to promote a more inclusive, empathetic, and tolerant society
00:44 for all. With that, I yield back. The gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman