12-Year-Old Bruhat Soma Wins National Spelling Bee With Winning Word ‘Abseil’
Bruhat Soma was unbeatable before he arrived at the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and neither the dictionary, nor his competitors, nor a lightning-round tiebreaker challenged him on the way to victory.
00:00 - Your first word is brouette.
00:02 - B-R-O-U-E-T-T-E.
00:05 - Adelantado.
00:07 - A-D-E-L-A-N-T-A-D-O.
00:09 - Hypercheme.
00:10 - H-Y-P-O-R-C-H-E-M-E.
00:12 - Bisellium.
00:13 - B-I-S-C-L-L-I-U-M.
00:15 - Micteric.
00:16 - M-Y-C-T-E-R-S-E.
00:18 - Endatea.
00:19 - E-N-D-E-C-H-A.
00:20 - Sericin.
00:21 - S-E-R-S-E-I-N.
00:23 - Nictelopia.
00:24 - N-Y-C-T-A-L-O-P-I-A.
00:30 - E-L.
00:31 - Sebel.
00:32 - C-E-B-E-L-L.
00:33 - Hiatophany.
00:34 - H-E-A-U-T-O-P-H-A-N-Y.
00:36 - Quazoku.
00:37 - K-D-O-U-A-Z-O-K-U.
00:39 - Panetiere.
00:40 - P-A-N-E-T-I-E-R-E.
00:42 - Sagai.
00:43 - S-A-G-A-I-E.
00:44 - Nachschlage.
00:45 - N-A-C-H-S-C-H-L-A-G-E.
00:47 - Exsorison.
00:48 - E-X-O-R-H-A-S-O-N.
00:50 - Porphyrio.
00:51 - O-R-P-H-A-R-I-O.
01:00 - Giclé.
01:01 - G-I-C-L-E-E.
01:02 - Ashwagandha.
01:03 - A-S-H-W-G-A-N-D-H-A.
01:04 - Pustaw.
01:05 - P-U-S-Z-T-A.
01:06 - Aserodum.
01:07 - A-S-A-R-O-T-U-M.
01:08 - Shintelante.
01:09 - S-C-I-N-T-I-L-L-A-N-T-E.
01:10 - Mirabalanus.
01:11 - M-Y-R-A-B-A-L-A-N-U-S.
01:12 - Syneph.
01:13 - S-C-I-N-F-H.
01:14 - Vuswar.
01:16 - V-O-U-S-S-O-I-R.
01:17 - Kaishinya.
01:18 - C-A-I-X-I-N-H-A.
01:19 - Ramanur.
01:20 - R-A-M-O-N-E-U-R.
01:21 - Aposaiapesis.
01:22 - A-P-O-S-I-O-P-E-S-I-S.
01:23 - Abseil.
01:24 - A-B-S-E-I-L.
01:25 - Passology.
01:26 [APPLAUSE]
01:27 The spell off results are in.
01:31 Bruhat.
01:32 During the spell off, you correctly spelled out the word,
01:35 "Bruhat."
01:36 [APPLAUSE]
01:37 The spell off results are in.
01:42 Bruhat.
01:43 During the spell off, you correctly spelled a total of 29 words.
01:48 Faison.
01:49 You correctly spelled a total of 20 words.
01:53 That means that Bruhat Soma, you are the 2024--
01:57 [APPLAUSE]
01:58 --Scripps National Spelling Bee.
02:00 Congratulations.
02:01 [APPLAUSE]
02:05 Wow.
02:07 What a night.
02:08 What a performance.
02:10 What a finish and a standing ovation for Bruhat Soma.
02:15 So we have a champion presenting the trophy,
02:17 Scripps CEO Adam Simpson.