12-Year-Old Bruhat Soma Wins National Spelling Bee With Winning Word ‘Abseil’

  • 4 months ago
Bruhat Soma was unbeatable before he arrived at the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and neither the dictionary, nor his competitors, nor a lightning-round tiebreaker challenged him on the way to victory.


00:00 - Your first word is brouette.
00:02 - B-R-O-U-E-T-T-E.
00:05 - Adelantado.
00:07 - A-D-E-L-A-N-T-A-D-O.
00:09 - Hypercheme.
00:10 - H-Y-P-O-R-C-H-E-M-E.
00:12 - Bisellium.
00:13 - B-I-S-C-L-L-I-U-M.
00:15 - Micteric.
00:16 - M-Y-C-T-E-R-S-E.
00:18 - Endatea.
00:19 - E-N-D-E-C-H-A.
00:20 - Sericin.
00:21 - S-E-R-S-E-I-N.
00:23 - Nictelopia.
00:24 - N-Y-C-T-A-L-O-P-I-A.
00:30 - E-L.
00:31 - Sebel.
00:32 - C-E-B-E-L-L.
00:33 - Hiatophany.
00:34 - H-E-A-U-T-O-P-H-A-N-Y.
00:36 - Quazoku.
00:37 - K-D-O-U-A-Z-O-K-U.
00:39 - Panetiere.
00:40 - P-A-N-E-T-I-E-R-E.
00:42 - Sagai.
00:43 - S-A-G-A-I-E.
00:44 - Nachschlage.
00:45 - N-A-C-H-S-C-H-L-A-G-E.
00:47 - Exsorison.
00:48 - E-X-O-R-H-A-S-O-N.
00:50 - Porphyrio.
00:51 - O-R-P-H-A-R-I-O.
01:00 - Giclé.
01:01 - G-I-C-L-E-E.
01:02 - Ashwagandha.
01:03 - A-S-H-W-G-A-N-D-H-A.
01:04 - Pustaw.
01:05 - P-U-S-Z-T-A.
01:06 - Aserodum.
01:07 - A-S-A-R-O-T-U-M.
01:08 - Shintelante.
01:09 - S-C-I-N-T-I-L-L-A-N-T-E.
01:10 - Mirabalanus.
01:11 - M-Y-R-A-B-A-L-A-N-U-S.
01:12 - Syneph.
01:13 - S-C-I-N-F-H.
01:14 - Vuswar.
01:16 - V-O-U-S-S-O-I-R.
01:17 - Kaishinya.
01:18 - C-A-I-X-I-N-H-A.
01:19 - Ramanur.
01:20 - R-A-M-O-N-E-U-R.
01:21 - Aposaiapesis.
01:22 - A-P-O-S-I-O-P-E-S-I-S.
01:23 - Abseil.
01:24 - A-B-S-E-I-L.
01:25 - Passology.
01:26 [APPLAUSE]
01:27 The spell off results are in.
01:31 Bruhat.
01:32 During the spell off, you correctly spelled out the word,
01:35 "Bruhat."
01:36 [APPLAUSE]
01:37 The spell off results are in.
01:42 Bruhat.
01:43 During the spell off, you correctly spelled a total of 29 words.
01:48 Faison.
01:49 You correctly spelled a total of 20 words.
01:53 That means that Bruhat Soma, you are the 2024--
01:57 [APPLAUSE]
01:58 --Scripps National Spelling Bee.
02:00 Congratulations.
02:01 [APPLAUSE]
02:05 Wow.
02:07 What a night.
02:08 What a performance.
02:10 What a finish and a standing ovation for Bruhat Soma.
02:15 So we have a champion presenting the trophy,
02:17 Scripps CEO Adam Simpson.
