Study Links Excessive Screen Time to Developmental Issues in Children

  • 3 months ago
Study Links Excessive Screen Time to, Developmental Issues in Children.
PsyPost reports that a recent study found a significant
link between various developmental and behavioral
problems in children and excessive screen time.
PsyPost reports that a recent study found a significant
link between various developmental and behavioral
problems in children and excessive screen time.
The study, published in the 'Journal of
Psychiatric Research,' relied on data from the 2018
to 2020 National Survey of Children's Health. .
According to the study, over 70% of preschoolers
and more than 80% of older children are
exposed to excessive screen time.
For preschoolers, the researchers
defined "excessive screen time"
as one hour or more each day.
For children between the ages of 6 and 17,
the threshold for "excessive screen time"
is defined as two hours or more per day.
Excessive screen time was linked with
behavioral problems, developmental delays,
speech disorders and learning disabilities. .
The researchers also found a link to autism
spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The study indicated a potential period of
increased sensitivity to screen exposure for
both preschool-aged children and boys. .
The study indicated a potential period of
increased sensitivity to screen exposure for
both preschool-aged children and boys. .
Caregivers, educators, policy makers,
and health care providers should
pay more attention to the screen
time of children and it is necessary
to take applicable interventions
at an early stage for children
with excessive digital media use, Study authors, via PsyPost.
PsyPost highlights the need for more nuanced
and longitudinal studies in the future to
further examine and define the impact of
digital exposure on childhood development
