Robert Kiyosaki predictions, network marketing, home base...

  • 15 years ago The only way one will create wealth is to understand that wealth comes from us not to us. Wealth is a reward for services rendered. That is why you must help and truly give value to others and that's when you will attract people and wealth. If you focus on a check you will make just a living but if you focus on relationship you'll make a fortune. "If you don't have a home-based business, you are out of business" Robert Kiyosaki People it is time to wake up, and allow yourself to life the life you deserve and have piece of mind. As I do, regardless of the stock market crash, 700 billion bailout, dollar value dropping, government, and federal reserve actions. The rich get rich and the poor get eaten alive but you must understand the rich is a mindset. Being broke is a temporary position, being poor is a permanent situation. Ask Donald trump who lost billions and then gain billions right back!
