गोद ली हुई बेटी ने बाप को काटा टुकड़ों में | Aaradhya and the fatal conspiracy

  • 5 months ago
Santacruz, Mumbai
The murder of property dealer Benet Rebello in November involved Aaradhya and her boyfriend. They stabbed Benet, trying to ensure his death, even placing mosquito repellent in his mouth when they saw he was alive. For three days, they kept the body at home before seeking help to dispose of it. Investigations revealed their detailed plan, stemming from alleged s*x*al ab*se claims against Benet. Aaradhya, at 14, had fled home earlier. The case's intricacies reveal a twisted tale of revenge, property claims, and strained relationships, where Aaradhya's silence about her adoption status added a complicated layer to the tragic events.

There was a similar incident happened in Vadodara, Gujarat in 2014 where an adopted girl (shows as Gehna Desai) along with her boyfriend killed her mother and father both.
#mumbai #mahimBeach #crimepatrol



